The Truth

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[In the Halls of the Hotel]

Drac and Y/n walk together through the empty halls of the hotel.
Y/n: Thanks for coming to help, even if I did get free by myself.
Drac: There's something I need to show you.
Y/n: Oh...
Drac leads Y/n to his room and opens the door, Y/n follows Drac inside and up to a picture.
Y/n: I recognize this woman, there's a legend humans made of her.
Drac: A legend?
Y/n lights a small flame in his hand while Drac holds a candelabra.
Y/n: "The Lady Lubov." is what humans call her. The story is that a lonely count met her by chance, and they say that no two souls were ever more meant for each other. Eventually, they settled down at Castle Lubov and had a child. But then, a horrible tragedy happened. A fire started mysteriously one night, and it killed both of them. Or so humans think, as did I, until recently.
Drac: What do you mean?
Y/n: Dracula, you're the lonely count that's in the stories, aren't you?
Drac: How did you know?
Y/n: I can see both you, and her mother, in Mavis, as such, I know this legend is wrong.
Drac: You are correct, Y/n. The legend is wrong. It was only the wife that died.
He pulled off the curtain covering half the picture, showing him with her in the picture.
Drac: And it was no mystery who killed her.
He turned around to face Y/n
Drac: She was killed by your kind! They are the real monsters. I built this place for my love, to protect her child. As A father, you do everything to keep your family safe, even if you have to break their trust. But now, Mavis has feelings for you.
Y/n: Wait, what? I-uh-oh-well...that's...relieving, actually.
Drac: It's all right, you are a good one. I know what you are now, Y/n, who you are. If the world was different, maybe it would be possible.
Y/n: You mean...?
Drac: Yes, I know you are the Avatar.
Y/n: I know I've been gone for 100 years, but people are more accepting these days.
Drac: Can you tell me for certain that if we came out in the open, everyone would accept us? Everyone?
Y/n: I mean, there are some humans who can't even handle other humans with different colored skin. Thank you, for trusting me with this. I'll go for good this time. Tell the others that I needed to return to my temple.
Y/n started to walk away after extinguishing the flame in his hand, before Drac grabbed his shoulder.
Drac: No, no, no, no, no. I don't want to ruin her birthday party. You can sneak out after it's all done.
Y/n: The last thing I want to do is hurt her, or you. I know that family is the most important thing in life, even if I was too foolish to see it in the past.
Drac: You know, if you weren't the Avatar, you'd be a very good Vampire.
Y/n: You think so?
Drac: I know so, now, I would like to know about your life story. I can see regret behind your eyes.
Y/n: Ah, alright...well, I didn't leave my temple to see the world, I left to avoid being the Avatar. I wasn't ready for the responsibility, so I fled. Though after I had fled, I was frozen in that ice, and only woke up 100 years later, and I can't go back now. My family is gone, out of my reach, as are my old friends.
Drac: You left your people?
Y/n: I was scared I wasn't up to being the Avatar, even if I had learned all forms of bending and even a few sub-forms of bending, I didn't feel worthy, so I left. Now I see my mistake.
Drac: You've learned from your mistakes, Y/n. I feel that you are already an amazing Avatar.
Y/n: You mean that?
Drac: Of course I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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