Chapter 86 Becoming Whole

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(To Songo)

She was off in the forest and slowly starts dressing into her Demon Slayer attire, while a painful expression clouded her face.

"Songo?" Shippo's voice rings out as she was putting her hair up in a ponytail.

"Yes, Shippo?" Songo asks.

"Aren't those wounds painful?" Shippo questions with a worried expression.

"Don't worry. I'm fine." Songo responds as she turns to him.

"But Songo, Miroku's not doing so well. Shouldn't you stay here with him?" Shippo inquires as Songo grabbed her sword and placed it in her wait belt.

"Naraku is certain to be there to take Kohaku's Shard from him. If I can somehow defeat Naraku, the curse will be lifted and Miroku's Wind Tunnel will disappear." Songo responds.

"Songo..." Shippo trails off as she picks up her Hiraikotsu.

"Settling things once and for all is the only way to fix this situation now." Songo asserts with a determined expression.

(To Kaede)

"Hey, why are we stuck in this musty storage shed?" Jaken asks making Kaede look away from Miroku, who was laying unconscious on the hay.

"It'll do. Don't complain, Little Demon." Kaede answers, but then the sound of the Wind Tunnel rings out as Jaken stares down at Rin, who was also unconscious. Suddenly, the door opens making Jaken gasp and immediately bow down.

"Oh, please forgive me, Lord Sesshomaru. H-How could I let this happen?! I'm so- It's only the Demon Slayer. Don't scare me like that." Jaken sighs as Songo walks into the shed and shuts the door.

"How is he?" Songo questions as she sits across from Kaede.

"He's still asleep, but doesn't appear to be in pain." Kaede responds making Songo look down at Miroku.

"So he was unable to feel pain. He only took the Master of Potions' medicine so he'd be able to fight by my side. If only he'd felt it, he never would have pushed himself to the point where his Wind Tunnel would tear. Lady Kaede? If you wouldn't mind, could you give us a moment alone?" Songo requests causing Kaede to grab Rin and began exiting the Shed causing Jaken to rush after her. Once the door was shut Songo stared at Miroku with tears filling her eyes.

"Oh, Miroku." Songo wept as she slowly places her hand on his cursed hand and then placed her lips against his.

(To (Y/N) )

"I don't care how many times I have to purify Kohaku's Shard, I swear I'll pull him out of the darkness!" I shout as I cut through Kohaku's weapon and was about to head towards him when black clouds began to feel the sky. "Naraku's presence." I think as I felt pain in my chest, but I shook my head.

"(Y/N)!" Kagome's voice rings out causing me to look back to see her and Inuyasha rushing towards us.

"Look at that cloud." Kagome point out.

"It's Naraku." Inuyasha states as I then quickly turn to see tentacles coming out of the clouds towards Kohaku.

"He's about to take Kohaku's Shard!" Kagome made known making me kick Entei slightly causing him to head towards Kohaku.

"No way in hell!" I scream as I let my sword be engulfed in Sacred Power and let out a blast of it towards Kohaku causing the Demon he was riding to disintegrate and he began falling through the sky.

"Kohaku!" Inuyasha bellows as they were rushing towards him.

"Entei!" I call out causing Entei to pick up the pace, but before we could grab him. Holding up his weapon, Kohaku's chain scythe transformed once more making both Entei and Inuyasha dodge it's advance.

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