Chapter 13 Juromaru and Kageromaru

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It's been a week since Naraku had given me the hair Ornament, which I've been waking in my hair everyday even during training with Kohaku. I rarely ever see Kanna or Kagura and every night I've been having dinner with Naraku, even though he barely eats anything unless I say something about it. However, today Naraku had been acting a bit strangely as he then turned to me with a serious expression.

"If you're done eating go get ready... I have a mission for you." Naraku finally spoke causing my eyes to widen.

"Finally!" I chirped as I jumped up from the floor with a broad grin. "I can finally get my revenged on that Kagome and her stupid little group!" I think as I walk out of the large room only to then bump into someone causing me to almost fall down.

"Watch it." Kagura glared, which makes me slightly bow to her.

"I'm sorry, Kagura. I'll be more mindful of where I'm going next time, if you'll excuse me." I states as I then walk away, while letting out a sigh. "I really don't think she likes me too much." I think as I make it to my room and begin to change into a kimono better suited for fighting.

"(Y/N), are you going somewhere?" Kohaku's voice rang out causing me to look over to see him standing there.

"Yes, Naraku has given me orders." I answer as I grab my sword and fasten it to my waste.

"Are you ready?" Naraku's voice rang out from the entrance of my room. "Why didn't I feel his presence?" I wonder as I glance over to see a white baboon causing me to sigh.

"A puppet really?" I question as I walk over and it nods.

"Yes, there will be one other person there along with Inuyasha's group. I will inform you about him as we head to our location." The Puppet responds, but then Kohaku walks over to me.

"Do you wish for me to come along?" Kohaku asks, but I shake my head.

"No, I'll be just fine." I answer causing Kohaku to put on a slightly worried expression.

"Be careful..." Kohaku trails of causing a smile to appear on my face as I place a hand on his head.

"I will." I declare as I then turn to the Puppet, who began to walk away causing me to follow after him.

"Other than you and me there will be two others joining us... Don't worry, you won't have to worry about them." The Puppet informs and I roll my eyes. "So more incarnations I presume." I think as he began to lead me into the court yard where I see Naraku standing beside a carriage being pulled by horse bones.

"(Y/N)" Naraku trails off as we walk over to him.

"I can take care of myself." I state as I glance over at the Puppet causing Naraku to shake his head.

"I know that all too well, the puppet is there for my incarnations." Naraku points out causing me to let out a sigh.

"Alright, but I won't be protected." I remind causing Naraku to nod with his cold expression, but then it softens.

"Remember you can always use the hair ornament." Naraku reminds causing me to nod with a smile.

"We should go." The Puppet insists causing Naraku to hold out his hand as if gesturing to help me onto the horse bones, but I chuckle and shake my head.

"No way am I getting on that." I proclaim as I then jump up towards the cage and sit down on top of it.

"I'll sit right up here away from that creepy horse-thing." I remark causing the Puppet to get onto the horse bones and they begin to walk causing the carriage to move. "It's so weird, how are they moving?!" I wonder as I stared at it in astonishment.

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