Chapter 45 Choices

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"Take it from me, (Y/N). You can't save everyone..." Bankotsu's voice rang through the dark abyss I found myself standing in.

"Yes, I can." I insist as I begin walking though the darkness.

"Make a decision and stick to it." Bankotsu's voice sounds out causing me to shake my head.

"I can't afford to choose a side..." I trail off as I look up, only to see it turn to a dark red color.

"People are going to get hurt regardless!" Bankotsu's voice resounds causing me squeeze my eyes shut as I viciously shake my head.

"I have to save everyone!" I proclaim as I open my eyes, but the scene before me makes me freeze as I felt my blood go cold. Inuyasha, Miroku and Shippo's tattered and bloodied bodies were before me as a laugh I knew all too well sounds out causing me to quickly turn only to see Songo and Kirara in the same state.

"No..." I trail off as I bring my fist down.

"AAAHHH!" An agonizing screams echo's out causing me to blink several times hoping for it to disappear, but the sword that was embedded in my cousin's chest was in my hand.

"Kagome!" I cry out, but as much as I wanted to remove the sword and bend down to my cousin, my body wouldn't listen.

"(Y-Y/N)." Kagome stutters as I watch, while the light slowly disappears from her eyes.

"Well done, my dear." A voice I knew all too well rings out causing me to let go of my sword as I'm forced out of my own body to see it covered head to toe in my comrades and cousins blood. No emotion emitted from her face, only a green light fogged around her head as I see my own body walk passed me and over to Naraku, who stood there with a smile that caused my ghost-like presence to shiver.

"How could you make me do this?!" I scream, but neither one heard me as they then turned causing me to follow suit only to see Bankotsu a few feet away with his Banryu pointed towards them, but he then look over towards me.

"You have to make a decision!" Bankotsu demands causing my ghost-like self to be set on the ground.

"I can't!" I shout, only to see my body to begin walking towards Bankotsu who put on an angry expression.

"(Y/N)!" Bankotsu yells as he turns to my body, but it showed no signs of hindering it's track as if a marionette and Naraku was the puppet master.

"Why is this happening?" I ask as Bankotsu's eyes met mine.

"This will become you're fate, if you don't make a choice!" Bankotsu bellows as my body finally stops in front of him, only to take the Shikon Jewel Shard from him neck causing all the flesh to disintegrate leaving nothing but a pile of bones.

"This can't be my fate..." I trail off as Naraku's heinous laugh rings out causing me to look over and see him closing the distance between my body and him.

"Now no one can take you from me." Naraku answers as I see him place his lips on mine, but my emotions still did not emerge as if I were an empty shell.

"You are mine, (Y/N)" Naraku insists as his blood red eyed stared back at me, drenched in desire. My name began to echo through my head as I felt my body shaking slightly causing my eyes to slowly open to see black soulless eyes to stare back at me.

"Ah!" I scream as I quickly sit up, but then let out a sigh as I see it was only Kanna and Kohaku.

"Sorry, if we startled you Lady (Y/N)." Kohaku apologizes causing me to slightly shake my head.

Twisted Fate (Naraku x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant