Chapter 28 Sentiments

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(To Naraku)

(Naraku's POV)

Walking out from the trees, I look over to see the mortal unconscious against the Tree of Ages causing me to quickly rush over to her. Seeing that she was breathing caused me to let out a sigh, but realizing my reaction just now caused me to scoff. "These emotions are because of you, not Onigumo!" I think as I glare down at the unconscious mortal, but then the Hairpin I had given to her started to glow.

"I shouldn't be surprised since this was how I found her..." I trail off as the Hairpin flies into my hand causing me to stare at it for a moment. Looking up at the mortal, I reach up and place my hand to her face. Feeling her soft plump skin against my fingertips set off numerous emotions inside me, that could not compare to what Onigumo felt for Kikyo.

"(Y/N)" I trail off.

( (Y/N)'s POV)

My eyes begin to flutter open as I start to see someone in front of me. "Who-" My thoughts were interrupted when I see red eyes starring back at me causing my whole body to tense up.

"I see you're awake." The voice I knew all too well insists causing me to stare at him in disbelief.

"Naraku..." I trail off as I then look around to see I was sitting on the trunk of the Sacred Tree, while Naraku was bend down in front of me.

"You continue to surprise me, I would have thought you'd thrown this away." Naraku points out as he holds up the hairpin I was wearing in my hair causing me to scoff, while turning away from him.

"I could say the same thing for you. I mean, why didn't you kill me while I was unconscious?" I ask as I glance over to Naraku, who was starring at me intensely causing my heart beat to quicken.

"I thought perhaps those Sentiments were caused by Onigumo, but I was wrong." Naraku answers as he slightly grabs my chin with his hand and turn my face towards his. "Something doesn't feel right... Where did all my hatred for him go?" I wonder, but I then slightly shake my head, while smacking his hand off my chin.

"I don't know what you're talking about or who this Onigumo guy is." I insist as I distance myself from Naraku, who goes silent for a moment, while trying to calm my heartbeat.

"You broke free of my grasp..." Naraku trails off making me nod.

"Yeah, and don't think I'll let it happen twice." I counter causing Naraku to smirk as he walks over to me.

"We'll see about that." Naraku re-counters as he places the hairpin back in my hair causing my heart to begin pounding once more. Walking past me, I quickly look back to see Naraku was gone causing me to place my hand to my heart.

"What is going on with me?" I ask with a concerned expression. "Could it be because he looks so much like Aoki and Midoriko's feeling's are seeping through?" I wonder as I glance back over at the Sacred Tree.

"I should find the others first." I declare as I look away from the Sacred Tree and in the direction I'm sensing the shards in causing me to run towards it.

(To Inuyasha)

He was fighting Muso again when he jumps up from the tall grass.

"Die!" Inuyasha demands as he brings his sword down.

"Windscar!" Inuyasha shouts as a blast of energy rushes towards Muso engulfing him.

"Is he dead?" Kaede asks as Kagome was standing beside her.

"We can't be certain- not with his ability to regenerate." Miroku answers as the smoke begins to clear.

"Ah!" Inuyasha sounds out as one of Muso's tree arms runs Inuyasha through causing Songo to grab her Hiraikotsu and throws it. Hitting the tree arms in two places, Inuyasha falls to the ground with a groan as Muso stands up in the tall grass.

Twisted Fate (Naraku x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя