Ever since that day Denki was ordered to kill Alexei he tries way to hard to stay on the Alpha's good side and thread very lightly with his words and actions.

After all because he failed to kill Alexei, and let him enter the Alpha's house while he was with his omega calming his heat, things got complicated and someone ended up doing it himself.

Bakugo side eyed him, his eyes dark and full of hatred, "Denki, do you still believe yourself capable of having the position you own right now?" he asked him, his voice deep.

Denki gulped down, "Yes, Sir" he said.

Bakugo snickered, "You're so good at your job, that I had to kill that fucker Alexei my own fucking self in my own fucking house while I had my omega begging me to fuck him in my room?" he said irked.

"At least he's dead..." Denki whispered under his breath as he looked to the side annoyed.

"What the fuck did you just say."

Denki's eyes widened, he was terrified.

"Nothi-" before he could finish talking he felt the left side of his face burning, Katsuki had smacked him so hard the left side of his face immediately turned red and felt so painful he felt like ripping that side of his skin off.

Denki winced in pain as he held the slapped side of his face with his hand.

"Get this fucker out of my sight." Bakugo ordered his men. They got up and went to get Denki, escorting him out the room.

Kirishima sighed, trying to break the tension before he had to leave the room himself. After all the Alpha's menacing pheromones filled the room, everyone that was in it, even if they were an alpha was struggling to not suffocate.

"Can you calm down a bit? Unless you want everyone in this room to pass out, please chill the fuck out" Kirishima said, trying to sound as nice as he could.

"Shut up bitch, can't you see i'm fucking tired of having to do shit myself, these fuckers don't know how to do their jobs."

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Call Sero, tell him to come back and that i'm not fucking asking either"


Bakugo stood up from his desk, put on his black long coat on and his black gloves.

Kirishima already knew what was going on, the last time Bakugo wore those gloves was when he went to kill the omega's dad. He gulped down, slightly concerned about what was about to happen.

"Come on, let's go. Let's finish the job these fuckers can't do."


They were both tired and panted as they didn't stop fighting, both of them were bloody and bruised.

Todoroki had his nose dripping and his eyebrow cut, the blood from it drenching his face.

Izuku had his cheek swollen, his nose bleeding and a cut on his lips.

But neither of them were going down without at least one of them passing out.

They kept exchanging blows, Izuku swung hard and fast, his form had gotten significantly better after only six months of training. It was unexpected, but he had become a formidable fighter in a very short time.

Todoroki usually was the one dodging, but this time was different, he was fighting back, punching Izuku in the guts and ribs, his punches felt like a knife being stabbed inside the omega.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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