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                          𝐵𝑈𝑅𝑁 𝑈𝑃 𝐴𝑁𝐷 𝐷𝐼𝐸 !

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Even if the pain was torturous, and the heat of his body agonizing. He stood up tall, gripping his fist as he pierced the flesh of his own palms with his claws.

Nothing clouded his mind but the urge of wanting to bathe himself in the blood of all the fuckers he would see in in his path.

And just like that he slowly walked up to the door. As soon as he touched the handle, the whole door along with some of its wall exploded.

A loud beeping sound of that of an alarm rung loudly, alerting everyone that the man they weren't expecting on had escaped.

Bakugo truly emptied his mind of any insignificant thought that clouded his mind. He walked out the room a weirdly calm expression on his face, his eyes on the other side told a different story. They were beaming red, a cold stare that would send shivers down anyone's spine.

"take another step and we will kill you on the spot" suddenly appearing a man of two in army attire commanded the alpha, both with a shotgun in hand aimed at him.

Katsuki who had been looking down as he walked, stopped in his tracks as he heard their words.

He looked up, his gaze piercing, both men holding their grounds, a slight shiver of fear as their fingers secured the trigger of their guns.

"get back inside the room with both hands up"

Bakugo's gaze never left theirs, and his hands responded their commands in a rapid explosion sending both men far away into the hall, a loud thud as they laid on the floor, unconscious heads injured by the force of the explosion.

The Alpha ran as he caught up to them, kneeling down on one knee, in between both men. He extended his arms, having each hand lay above their faces as he blew them up, the blood tainting the alphas face and body much more than it already was.

And just as he was done he jogged through the white painted corridor, his arms extended as his hands grazed the walls, the act instantly making them blow up.

A group of five army suited men showed up in front of the Alpha, who with no words, a scowl on his face, eyes that slashed you with a gaze and spine-chilling pheromones so intense that raised up with each step .... in short words he destroyed them.


In front of them and in the middle of nowhere stood a tall white building.

Kirishima had contacted Denki as Todoroki told him to leading to the first faction of the mafia to join them into raiding the building their boss was held in.

Denki works as an assassin in the Dragon Mafia and is captain of it's first faction. He's only really called in serious situations like this one, and whenever his called means that people need to be killed, since that's what the faction he leads specializes in.

𝐺𝑂𝐷 | 𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙠𝙪 - 𝙈𝙖𝙛𝙞𝙖 𝘼𝙪 - 𝙊𝙢𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚Where stories live. Discover now