"You the same"

I hung up the phone and about 5 minutes later I was texted the address and time and this was a nice, expensive restaurant. I had enough time to pray Marcus came back so he can watch the boys, for me to be able to take a nap, then get up and get dressed.

I laid in the bed and I fell asleep for just a blink before I heard the baby monitor of one of the boys crying.

I got up to go check on them and Zaidyn was sleep while Zailyn cried from his wet diaper. I changed him and got him all cleaned up but he woke up Zaidyn and I had to give him the same treatment.

I slowly put them both back to sleep and I started getting dressed. If Marcus doesn't come home I'll just call, Tiffany. She's 16 and watches the kids for money. Sometimes I don't even need her to, but I know the struggle and I don't knock her hustle. Plus she's a sweetheart.

After finding a nice purple ballgown with a slit on the side that stopped right on my thigh, I put on silver heels with diamond jewels on then and silver accessories.

I wand curled my hair and I did my make up keeping it simple but still making all of my features pop out. I took a look in the mirror at myself and I was satisfied at who was staring back at me.

I started to call Tiffany but I heard the garage and I seen the time and I was about to be late if I didn't leave now. I grabbed my black card, some cash, make up, my cell phone, i.d. and everything else I needed putting it in my hand bag and I walked to the garage.

"Whoa!! Where you think you going looking like that?!", Marcus yelled jumping out of his car.

"Out, the twins are sleep so don't go waking them up with you foolishness"

"Who are you going 'out' with?", he spoke so coldly. Maybe I need to just give it up cause the tension between the two of us was getting annoying.

"A person, bye", I got in my cocaine white Jag with black rims and I burnt off. I knew where the restaurant was so it didn't take me long to get there..

Valet parked my car and I immediately spotted the person I was here for. I told the host I was here for someone and I walked over to them.

"Wow you look beautiful, I see the kids added to your figure. It's nice to see you again, on better terms", he said standing up and pulling my chair out for me.

"The same and thanks, you don't look too bad yourself", a waitress approached the table and we ordered our drink and appetizer and we started to talk.

"So what the real reason you called me here?"

"Well first and foremost, I want to apologize for my actions that night. I wasn't myself and I deserved everything I had that came my way and I want you to know that I honestly do love you and you put my head and heart in the right path"

"I'm glad. Cheers to you", I said raising my glass.

"And also because of you, I used the money I got from being in the game to start my own businesses around Houston and I met someone who I think I'd actually focus on and be serious with"

"Well I'm really truly happy for you. I'm glad you've matured and become a man"

"Thanks, I owe it all to you and that huge axx beat down I got", he joked but was serious making me chuckle.

"Yeah I did give you the business. But here's to you and your accomplishments in your new life. To Meek"

"To Meek"

Paco's POV

Dinner was so nice. I love my baby and I want to show her that she's the only person I want. I just want her to know that.

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