Chapter 21

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"Everything is set, Ms. Kim" My secretary said through the phone.

"Good.. Settle that and send me the file." I said.

"You're still working?" Lisa asked.

"I just need to check it and after that I'm done." I smiled at her.

"Good.. because I don't want our work to interrupt our wedding." She kissed my cheek and I nodded.

We're currently in the Philippines checking the wedding venue and everything. We need to make sure that everything is in place because I don't want any imperfection in my wedding.

"Baby.. What do you want to eat? I can ask my secretary to buy it." Lisa asked.


"Salad? You've been eating that these days." She said.

"I need to fit in my wedding dress, Lisa." I said and she sat in front of me.

"You will fit.. Don't worry. I'll buy you a salmon steak okay? How's that sound?" She smiled and held my hand. I nodded weakly.

"That's my girl." She said and ruffled my hair.

My girl.. How I wish she's sincere saying that.. I really love it.

I sighed and looked at the checklist in my hand. Everything is settled.. except.. our feelings. I got up and took a photo of the ballroom, the table, the flowers, the chairs, the aisle and lastly.. Lisa. I walked out from the venue and inhaled the beach breeze.

"Are you nervous?" Lisa circled her arms around my waist. I turned to her and nodded weakly.

"Yeah a little bit."

"Don't worry okay?" She kissed my cheek.

"Yeah, you'll be with me right?" I asked.

"Of course.." I took out my phone and opened the camera.

"Let's take a picture." I said and raised my hand to take a selfie with her. We both smiled looking at the camera. We took a few times and I smiled looking at the result.

"Wanna go near the water?" She asked as she held my hand. I nodded and we walked towards the water.

"I love you, Jennie" she suddenly stated and I sighed. How many lies is she going to say from now on? It's better that she doesn't say those words.

"Me too.." I answered smiling at her.

"Can I see the photos earlier?" She asked and I gave her my phone. I turned my head towards the sea when suddenly Lisa picked me up bridal style. She carried me towards the water.

"Lisa! Lisa!" I squealed

"Put me down!" I smacked her chest looking at the water in horror.

"I love you, Jennie."

"No no no!! Don't even thi-" she threw me to the water, I got up and grabbed her with me. I pushed her to the water too. We both laughed and splashed waters to each other.

"Okay enough baby.. now give me a kiss." She said, opening her arms widely and walking to me.

"Ugh.. I hate you for throwing me to the water so no kiss for you, miss" I hissed and walked away. She caught me and carried me like a rice sack.

"Lisa! Lisa!"

"Yes love?"

"Put me down! If you dare to throw me into the water again.. Don't even think to be in the same bed as me on our wedding night!" I said and she put me down right away.

"That is the most.. horror thing.. that you've ever said." She looked at me seriously.

"I'm serious, you idiot!" I smacked her.

"Oh come on.. you're joking right?"

"I'm not!" I glared at her and she suddenly picked me up again but this time she crashed her lips to mine. I circled my arms around her.

"Gosh.. you're making me crazy and tomorrow I can't see you."

"It's a tradition, Lisa."

"Well.. we can facetime each other."

"You wish! We can't see each other's faces!" I said and she looked at me in horror. Lisa. you really deserve to get an award for your acting. You're the best actress.

"2 days?!"

"It's just 48 hours." I said like it was nothing.

"Just 48 hours? Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding."

"I'm going to find your room tonight!" I smacked her arm and she groaned in pain.

"Are you nuts?" I asked her in disbelief.

"Oh come on.."

"Be patient little girl" I ruffled her hair and she looked at me like I grew 7 golds from my head.

"Little girl? Little girl?"

"Yeah.. little girl.." I nodded.

"You're so in trouble, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim." She said and I ran away from her.

"Come here little one!" She chased me and I giggled. She caught me and threw me into the water again. I got her and pushed her into the water too. After that.. we kissed each other hungrily.

God.. I love this woman so bad.. what should I do?

"I love you, Jennie" she cupped my face and looked straight to my eyes.

"Me too.."

"Can you say the words?" She asked and I nodded weakly.

"I love you.. Lisa.. so much. I love you." I said and it's the truth. I love her so much with all my life and soul.

"I love you so much Lisa Manoban." I said it once again and she smiled at me.

"Love you too." After that we got back to the hotel, she entered her room to wash up and I entered my room to wash up. I opened my phone and cleaned all the sand from it. I opened the photos and smiled looking at our selfies.

Instead feeling happy.. I cried.

"I lose big time, Lisa. I lose big time.. I can't cope up with your games again. I'm sorry. It's time for the both of us to end this game for good."


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞ꑄ 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐖𝐞 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 (𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐚) [𝐆!𝐏]Where stories live. Discover now