Part 11

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Everyone at camp was happy. The war was over and Kronos was once again defeated. Hades gained much more respect and a lot of people stopped believing he was evil. After the oath Percy made the gods give, we'd gotten so many new campers. Everything was going great, but nothing lasts forever (except immortal beings like my family), right? One morning, I woke up and went to Percy's bed to wake him up. I removed the blanket to find an empty bed. I got concerned instantly because I knew Percy had never been the person that wakes up early. I ran to the Athena cabin to see if he was there and he wasn't. Thank the gods I didn't wake anybody up. I didn't find him anywhere. I ran to Chiron to tell him. He too didn't know anything about that. I ran back to my cabin and tried to head back to sleep.

This is all a dream. Wake up, Y/n!

Sadly, it wasn't a dream. Percy was actually missing. Life suddenly became darker. My very own brother was missing. I remembered all the times he helped me go through hard times. I remembered all the times I was down and he helped. I remembered every good moment we've had together. I didn't know where he was. I didn't know if he was okay. I was worried. I had always wished for a sibling to help me and make life more bearable and when I finally got the most amazing and lovely brother ever, he just dissappears overnight? I couldn't believe it. I looked around the cabin. Still nothing. I don't know what I expected. Did I maybe expect him to appear out of thin air and just hug me? I felt like this wasn't just Percy missing or some monster. I felt like there was a great...something...behind Percy's disappearance. I started crying. I knew I couldn't do this alone so I ran to Nico's cabin. As soon as I opened the door and saw my boyfriend, I squeezed him hard and kept crying on his shoulder. Nico was very confused, "What is wrong?" He stroked my hair and kept kissing the top of my head, "Y/n, you can tell me."

I tried to get the words out of me, "Percy...missing...a- and-"

Nico held me close, "Shhhh. Calm down. We'll find him, okay? I will do all I can to get to him."

I knew Nico was also very surprised. He didn't sound very convinced that what I was saying was true. He kept running his hands up and down my back. I mumbled between sobs, "I love you."

I felt him shaking silently. I knew he was trying hard to stay strong for me. I squeezed him even harder as we both sobbed silently into each other. The cabin door flew open and Annabeth barged into the room with tears in her eyes, "Y/n! Thank the gods! I- I didn't find you in your cabin so I thought you'd be here. Where's Percy?" She looked around the room as tears started escaping her eyes, "Y/n, where is Percy? Did he mention anything about getting sick of me and running away?"

I stood up and pulled Annabeth down by her arm, "Annie, you know he loves you, right?"

She sniffed, "Then why did he dissappear like that?"

"Annabeth Chase, if you don't know how much your boyfriend loves you, just see how he looks at you. You should also listen to the way he talks about you. He loves you with every ounce of his body."

She nodded and I sniffed, trying to keep in all the sobbing I wanted to sob. I was trying to stay calm to help Annabeth, but then I realised we both needed that moment. We both needed to cry. I started sobbing and Annabeth joined. Nico put one arm around me for support. I sat Annabeth down on the bed and sat down next to her as we cried together, mourning a loved one.


Am I evil? Maybe...?

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