Part 9

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The next morning, no. The next afternoon, when I finally woke up, I had the worst headache. I washed my face, wore my glasses, and went to the infirmary. Will Solace was there. I liked that boy. He was nice and really friendly. We were good friends.

"Hey, man! How's it going?" I greeted him.

"Things are going fine. Why weren't you there at breakfast or Capture The Flag?"

"I slept."

"Slept well?"

"Nope. I have the worst headache in the history of headaches."

"So you're not here to see your best friend?!" He said in a fake accusing way.

"Betrayal!" A familiar voice shouted on the infirmary bed. I recognised it instantly. It was Nico. I ran to him, "Nico, why are you in the infirmary? Are you hurt? Is it bad? Is there bleeding? Internal or external?"

Nico put a hand on my arm, "Y/n, calm down. I'm okay. I just sprained my ankle."

"Nico, that's serious. Will, what is wrong with him? Is everything okay?"

Will put a hand on my shoulder (enough touching me to calm me down!!!), "Y/n, he's okay. Don't worry. He's just here so that I can put some compression garment around his ankle. I'll remove it in a couple days. Stop worrying too much. Plus, it's bad for your headache."

I nodded but Nico started shouting in a weird high-pitched voice, "Y/n, is everything okay? Why do you have the headache? Are you having a heart attack? Do you have high blood pressure? Are you going into a coma? Are you gon-"

I fake laughed and spoke in a cold voice, "Haha, Nico. You're so funny."

Nico's voice turned back to normal, "No, for real now, are you okay? I mean, why'd you sleep all that time and still have a headache? You're always the first to wake up."

"Yesterday night. I kept thinking and thinking and thinking. When I finally slept, I had a nightmare."

Will smiled reassuringly, "That's normal. We're teenagers and we're half-bloods. It's totally normal to get nightmares."

I sighed, "The thing is...You know what? I'll let you do your job to Nico's ankle and I'll wait for both of you in my cabin."

They both nodded and I walked back to my cabin. Percy was there. He greeted me, "Hey, Y/n."

"Hey. Look, I need to talk to you. Can you bring Annabeth, Grover, and Clarisse too?"

Percy nodded and walked out of the cabin. I sat down on the bed. The headache was getting worse. Maybe I needed to eat. I went to the camp shop and bought a bag of chips. As I was back in the cabin, they all were there. I took a deep breath and started talking, "Guys, I'm not a half-blood. You all know that already, but what you don't know is that I'm not mortal. I'm immortal and I'm possibly a goddess."

"What?!" Nico shouted.

I got nervous. Was he gonna leave me? Was he able to put up with me? I started stuttering and thinking about what comes next. I thought that Nico was gonna dump me. Tears started escaping my eyes. Nico got up and walked towards me until he was standing only inches away from me.

"Here it comes." I muttered.

Nico put a hand on my cheek and wiped the tears, "What?"

I sniffed, "Go ahead. Dump me."

His voice became sharper, "What?!" He took a breath then spoke again, "Y/n, I'm not going to dump you. What makes you think that?"

"I don't know. You won't be able to put up with me. I'm kind of having an existential crisis and I'm immortal."

"I would never leave you. You are the sunshine in the darkness I was living in. You are the person that really opened my eyes to the fact that life is worth living if you have the right people with you on the way. You taught me how to open up to people. You made me a better person. I can't just leave you after getting what I want."

Percy got up and walked towards me, "Sis, we all love you. It doesn't matter if you're a goddess. That's not even a bad thing. I mean, my little sister is a goddess. Hell yeah!"

I hugged him, then I turned back to Nico, "So you're still willing to do this?"

"I would love to see you as Y/n Di Angelo. Ti amo." He grabbed my head with both hands and kissed me. My stomach fluttered. I pulled away, my face as red as a tomato, "How come I have the best people in my life?!"

Everybody stood up. I hugged each one of them, hearing motivating words and "I love you"s. I stopped in front of Nico and kissed him. Will shouted, "Get a room!"

I looked at him, "William Andrew Solace!"

Grover elbowed him, "Man, you're in trouble."

Will answered him, "Nah. She loves me."

I nodded, "Unfortunately, I do." I then took Nico's hand, "Well, Will, you said get a room. Gladly. Nico and I are off to the Hades cabin. Bye guys."

Ti Amo (Nico di Angelo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now