Part 5

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That night, I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about everything. That Italian boy I was falling for, my father, my brother, and my mother. I hadn't told anyone at all, but a few weeks ago, a day before I got claimed by Poseidon, another symbol appeared on my head. I was alone when a pink dove appeared on my head, Aphrodite's sign. (Shock.) I didn't tell anyone out of simple anger. I was angry at my 'father' and I didn't understand why my mother told me to go to my father. Apparently, both my 'parents' weren't related to my in any way. I wore my glasses and opened my purse and pulled out the letter. The letter I'd wanted to send to my 'parents'. I wanted to understand why they adopted me. I wanted to understand but was scared. I had many questions.
Should I tell Chiron?
If I did, what cabin would I stay in?
Was I mortal?
Why did my real parents not keep me with them on Olympus?
Did any of my parents actually like me? Should I go out with Nico?
Did he actually like me?
Should I tell him how I feels?
Would that ruin our friendship?
Does he even like me as a friend?

I grunted quietly, "Ugh! So many questions! Mom, dad, anybody please help me."

I then went back to sleep.

The next day, Valentine's Day, I woke up early and waited for Nico to pick me up. I wore a simple knee-length off-shoulder red dress and had my hair the normal way - it's not like I had many options anyway. I looked beautiful. I wondered if Nico would think I'm overdressed and laugh at me. Fortunately, he didn't. He wore a black tuxedo with red details. I greeted him, "Hey. You look really nice."

"You look very beautiful, I must admit."

"So, where are you taking us, Mr. Di Angelo?"

"I'm about to change your life."

"Then, by all means, lead the way."

Nico's eyes widened, "Wait. You like Hamilton?"

"I'm literally obsessed!"

"Oh. My. Gods. Insane! I'm obsessed too!"

"Oh, Nico di Angelo, you just made this the best Valentine's Day in my life."

Boy, you got me helpless...

I couldn't believe myself. My crush shares my love for Hamilton. I couldn't just let that pass. We had to discuss it, "You know, I have the biggest crush on Lin."

Nico scoffed, "Unusual. Almost everyone likes Daveed, not Lin."

"Oh, I know. Daveed is not bad himself, but Lin is just better. Don't you like a cast member?"

"Well, if I must say, I quite like Lin too."

I was in pure shock. Did my crush just admit he liked a guy? No, no, no, no, this can't be. I didn't think before I asked, "Are you gay?" (Embarrassing.)

Nico looked taken aback, "No...? Well, I'm not gay, but I'm not exactly straight. Let's just say I like both genders."

I held back a sigh of relief but nodded. I could feel this conversation getting awkward. I didn't want that to happen, so I spoke, "So, um...Where again are you taking us?"

Nico suddenly started singing, "Come with me."

I couldn't help but join in, "And you'll be
In a world of pure imagination." We both sang together.

I spoke again, "I didn't know you were a fan of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!"

"Well, that's exactly where I'm taking you."


Nico nodded, "A nearby chocolate factory. I know you love chocolate. It's missing Oompa Loopmas and Magic and Willy Wonka, but it still produces good chocolate."

I laughed, "Oh you Nico, you don't know how bad I wanna kiss you right now-" I stopped, "What?!" I couldn't believe what I just said, "I didn't just say that!" (EMBARRASSING.)

Nico put an arm around my shoulder, "It's okay, Y/n. I was lost in my own thoughts I didn't hear you anyway."

I looked at him, "Really?"

He nodded. I felt relieved he hadn't heard me, but was I really relieved? Wasn't there a teeny tiny bit of me that wanted him to hear me? No, I don't want that. I had a lot on my plate with her parent problem, I didn't want to drag him down with me.

We walked out of camp and took a cab to the factory. We spent the day there and so much fun. We ate a lot of chocolate that, at some point, I almost passed out from my Diabetes. Thankfully I had my Epipen and Nico.

After we got back to camp, Nico spoke, "So, how did you like the day? -Excluding the passing out thing - you should've told me, you know?"

"I liked the day, the passing out part didn't make it any worse..."


"I mean, you were there for the rescue, am I right?" I chuckled awkwardly.

"Mmm." Nico nodded, seemingly lost in thought.

I yawned, "Well, I had a lot of fun with you, but I think I should head to sleep. G'night!"

I was starting to walk away when Nico shouted back, "Night!" I chuckled as I walked toward my cabin. This night, I slept much easier than the previous night. Not good sleep. But good enough. I didn’t have any nightmares, but the real nightmare was when I woke up. My hair didn't look like a bird nest like it always does after I wake up. My face looked flawless and - was that make-up?! My pyjama has disappeared. Instead, I wore a knee-lengh beautiful dress. I understood what happened. I cursed, "UGH Aphrodite!"

I couldn't do anything about it. I knew when my mother did that to people. And, to make it worse, Percy woke up to my angry shout, "What's happened?!"

"Damn it!" I cursed again, "Hey, Percy..."

"Y/n, are you okay? I mean- you never wear make-up and- are you sure you just woke up?! Your hair is always a mess. And I'm pretty sure that you slept in a pyjama...Wait. That's Aphrodite's doing!"

I grunted, "Great. Smart Percy figured it out! I can't do swordfight training in a dress!"

"Maria, is there something you aren't telling me?"



"Nope. I'm not tellin' ya." I got up, "Well, I better go to Chiron. Ciao!"

"And she walked out just like that." Percy mumbled to himself. (Jokes on you, Percy. I heard ya!)

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