Part 2

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The next few weeks have gone well. I had friends now and I was a fast learner so Ancient Greek, swordfight, and all the other trainings were not hard but my favourite building was the Arts And Crafts building. I loved playing her favourite instruments and painting. I had always had a soft spot for art, especially painting and poetry. Every day before dinner, I'd go to the Arts And Crafts building to play some music and to paint. I loved listening to the Apollo cabin recite poetry. I'd always loved Apollo, Poseidon, and Hades. These were my favourites. My opinion was always different, but I don't care.

I loved hanging out with Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Clarisse, and that boy Nico. I noticed he was insecure because apparently children of Hades weren't really accepted anywhere. I'd felt closer to him than to others. I'd always been bullied by my school mates, by my teachers, and by my mom before I got here.

One day, during dinner, a cabin mate accidentally spilled water on me and suddenly, a blue trident appeared on my head. I already knew what that meant (because I'm a genius). I was a daughter of Poseidon. I was Percy’s sister! Chiron stood up and started talking, "You have been claimed by Poseidon. Earthshaker. Stormbringer. Father of Horses. All hail Y/n Y/L/n, daughter of the Sea God!"

Everyone bowed down a bit and Percy ran to me and hugged me, "Welcome, little sis."

I have never felt happier or more welcome. My dad finally decided to claim me - my real dad - and all I had to do was get some water on myself (thanks dad!). I fist bumped my new found brother, Percy, who took me to sit with him at the Poseidon table. Everyone got back to what they were doing. I never wanted to leave. Ever.

After dinner, I took my stuff from the Hermes cabin to move in the Poseidon cabin. While carrying my stuff, I bumped into Percy - I should really stop bumping into people - and dropped my stuff, "Damn it! Why can't I do anything right?!" I grunted.

Percy put his arm on my shoulder, "Hey, hey, Little Sis. Don't be so hard on yourself."

I groaned, "Shut up."

Percy put his hands into the air, "Okay, okay. I'll help with the stuff though."

I shoved him off. I had always tried to prove to everyone how strong I was. I had hated all the sexiest people that thought women could never be strong. I knew Percy wasn't like that but, for some reason, I wanted to just put my stuff in the cabin and go on a walk to calm down, "I don't need a man to help me with my stuff!"

"Woah. Okay, you can put your stuff there," He pointed to a corner next to a bed, "then, we'll have a talk. Okay?" Percy spoke in a soft voice that made me regret shouting at him. Tears started forming in my eyes, "I- I'm so so so sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me. I'm- just...I don't know." I put my head down and tears started running down my cheeks. (Weirdo. I know.)

Percy lifted my head to look at him, "Y/n- are you crying? No, no. It's okay." He hugged me (what a gentle brother), "It's okay. You're okay." He started wiping my tears with his thumbs while I sobbed. I didn't understand anything. Not who I was, not why I was feeling that way, and not what I was feeling in the first place (hormones...). I just cried on my brother's shoulder, "I- I should go." I ran out of the cabin to go on a walk by the beach. Now I understood why the beach always calmed my down.

I was walking on the sand while still crying. I was crying because I didn't understand my feelings. I was crying harder remembering how I snapped at Percy for no reason. It's not his fault that his thirteen-year-old sister was messed up in the head.

As I was walking I - like I always do - bumped into someone. It was Nico Di Angelo. It seems like he was also walking to calm down. I apologised a lot then started walking away quickly, finding a new reason to cry, why I was so clumsy and embarrassing. I felt like everyone who'd bullied her before had had the right to do that. I got snapped out of my thoughts with a hand on my shoulder and a voice saying, "Hey, what's wrong? I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but-"

I sniffed, "No, it's okay. You know, I've always felt a stronger connection to you than to others."

Nico looked surprised, "Really? I- I don't know what to say, honestly. No one has ever told me that. I mean, I have friends, but- I feel the same about you. It's like we have similar personalities, but we don't. It's like- I don't know. It's a strange connection that I personally like." Nico hesitated, "Can I- Can I hug you?"

I smiled and sniffed, my eyes still puffy and red from crying, "Yeah, sure."

Nico hugged me and I hugged him back. I felt like he deserved to know what was making me cry. I sat down on the sand, facing the ocean and he sat down next to me. I started talking, "So, what was making you walk around like that?"

Nico answered without looking at me, "I don't know. Overthinking stuff. You? Why were you crying?"

I lied down on the sand, "I can't understand my feelings. I was moving my stuff when I bumped into Percy and shouted something about not needing a man's help. Then, I cried because of how I snapped at him for no reason. Now he's gonna hate me. And I cried because I don't understand myself and then I cried because I'm so clumsy and can't do anything right. I know these aren't reasons to cry but I just felt the need to cry and didn't know why so I took all these things as excuses. Oh my. I'm sorry, I feel like you're regretting asking me and that I shouldn't have said all that." I groaned, "Stupid girl!"

Nico pulled me up and held my hand, "Y/n, it's okay to feel that way."

I looked at him, "It is?"

He nodded, "Yes. We all feel the need to cry without reason."


He nodded, then squeezed my hand and let it go. I felt a new sort of feeling toward him. I'd never felt like I wasn't strange. People were actually like me. I felt an attraction to the son of Hades, but I would never tell him. He'd laugh at me or at least kindly reject me. I sighed.

Nico looked at my eyes and I looked in his. I'd never find a person whom I'd open up to like that. This Italian boy has stolen my heart.

When I came back to my cabin, Percy had put all my stuff in place and had been fast asleep.

I whispered, "I'm sorry." Knowing that he didn't hear me, I headed to my bed.

Ti Amo (Nico di Angelo x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon