Part 1

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"Nico Di Angelo was standing by a corner in the shadows when a new girl around his age walked into camp. Me. I had pixie-cut messy black hair and bright green eyes. I wore my black glasses on my small nose.

The girl seemed lost and didn't know where to go so Nico decided to help. He approached me, "Hey."

"Oh hi! Umm I don't know what this place is. Is there anyone I can talk to?"

"Of course." He took me to Chiron, "Chiron, this is..."


Nico continued, "This is Y/n. She doesn't seem to know what this place is." He turned to me, "Do you have a mother or a father?"

I was surprised and a little attracted by his Italian accent, but he still looked like a creepy guy. I didn't forget he was standing in the shadows (very creepy). I chuckled awkwardly, "I have both...Is there a problem with that?"

Nico and Chiron both seemed surprised, and I didn't understand why. I asked them, "Is there a problem? Also, I think I need medicine because I'm hallucinating and imagining you-" I pointed to Chiron (that was dumb), "-as a centaur. You know, the ancient Greeks believed there were men with horse legs." I chuckled, "It's really funny what the ancient people used to think."

Chiron looked at Nico and at me then chuckled, "Well, look. You look like you understand history and ancient myths. Well, the thing is, they are not really myths..."

"What are you talking about?! Are you saying that you are a centaur?!"

Chiron nodded, "And the reason Nico and I were surprised when you said you live with two parents, is that this is a camp for half-bloods. The ones that exist when a Greek god has an affair with a mortal. So, one of your parents isn't your biological parent. And the reason I'm sure of it is that you can see through the mist."

I was dumbfounded, "The what now?"

"The mist. A border that makes the mortals see some things in a way that makes it believable for them." Chiron thought a moment, "Have you had any kind of unusual situations? With any element maybe?"

Nico spoke again, "Chiron, don't push her. Clearly her parent hasn't explained anything. How'd you get here, Y/n?"

I was surprised and a little attracted by his Italian accent, but he still looked like a creepy guy. I didn't forget he was standing in the shadows (very creepy). I wondered if he was a demigod, who might be his godly parent. I answered him, "Well, I'm from LA. My mom got angry at me so she told me to go to my father. I didn't understand anything but she gave me a paper with the address of this place and I got here by bus. Wait. Does that mean my dad isn't actually my dad?! Damn."

Chiron looked at me and thought silently, then he talked to Nico, "Nico, how about you take her to the Hermes cabin until she gets claimed?"

Nico nodded then told me to follow him. When we got to the Hermes cabin Nico was already walking away. I called after him, "Nico! Wait!"

He looked behind then grunted and walked back toward me, "Yes?"

"Who's your godly parent?"

"I'd rather not. You're one of the only people that don't hate me here and I wouldn't like to ruin that."

"Nico! Pleeease. I really wanna know!"

"Okay whatever. My father is Hades."

I gasped, "Hades?!"

Nico rolled his eyes but I spoke, "Why the heck would you think I'd hate you?!"

"I mean- I don't know. People just don't really get along with a son of the god of the underworld."

"Well I don't care. Besides, your father is pretty cool."

Nico looked her up and down then walked away. I decided not to bother him any further. I got into the cabin to get to know my new cabin mates.

I liked camp. My cabin mates were nice and the place had a lot of plants. I love plants. I decided to go for a walk and try to meet new people. While I was walking I bumped into a couple (Or so I thought. Turns out they weren't). They looked 3 years older than me. The boy had bright green eyes like hers and black messy hair - he really looked like me - while the girl had curly blond hair and grey eyes. I started apologising, "Oh I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean to."

The blonde girl smiled at me, "It's okay, are you new around here?"

"Yeah. I just came."

"What's your name?" The boy asked me.

"My name is Y/n, you?"

The girl spoke, "I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena and he's Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon."

I was fascinated, "Do you guys meet your parents? I mean- Is there a possibility that I can meet Poseidon or Apollo or- or Hades?" I was very excited and full of enthusiasm.

Annabeth laughed, "Yes. We meet them at the summer and the winter solstice."

I nodded, still full of excitement, but Percy spoke, "You look like you knew about this world before you came here. Did your mortal parent tell you anything?"

"My mom? No. She got angry and gave me the address to this camp and told me to go to my father. I've always thought that Fred was my real father, but turns out he's just my step dad. I mean- Well, answering your question, Percy. Yes I've always loved learning about this world. I didn't know it existed though, but- Am I talking too much? Oh my. I'm so sorry it's just I have ADHD and-"

Annabeth interrupted me, "Y/n, it's okay. Almost everyone here has either ADHD or Dyslexia, sometimes both. Like Percy here. It helps us in battle."

I nodded, "Okay. I'm sorry I bumped into you and have a nice day!" I spoke rapidly then ran back to my cabin. That was...awkward.

Ti Amo (Nico di Angelo x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt