8. Finally I found you

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Noris went to grab breakfast as he was hungry from a long journey.

He saw a familiar figure.

He smiled.

She smiled.

"Hi..... Noris I guess" Olivia said.

"Hi..... I don't really remember your name I am sorry" Noris said.

"My name is Olivia" she said with a smile not at all offended as she only spent a night with Nathan when she was in New Your and did a part time job as a prostitute for her studies.

"How come you are here.... Sorry first what can I get you sir" Olivia said forgot that she was a waiter doing her job in the restaurant.

"I'll have bread Omlette" Noris said something simple and easy.

"Okay I'll get that for you" Olivia said.

Olive walked away with a smile.

Noris watched Olive then he again stated thinking how will he find Nathan.

In no time Olivia again appeared with the breakfast she gave it to Norise they talked a bit then she went away to work.

Nathan checked in, in a room then after taking a bath he went out to find out everywhere is there a boy named Nathan checked in some where.

Whole day passed now Noris was exhausted he didn't find his lover anywhere even tho this island was small still he was no where to be found.

He was exausted walking in the beach with his crocks in his hands sad exausted like a patient of love.

He watched a boy coming from front.

He walked he walked.

He realised the face was bit similar but over gown beard made it look different.

"Nathan" Noris said.

"Noris" Nathan shocked.

Then he ran and hugged the boy tightly.

"Finally I found you my love. Ohh God thank you" Noris said, tho Nathan was shocked still his hands automatically hugged the man who hugged him out of emotions.

"God I love you my love ohh I'll..... I'll take care of you and our child untill my last breath please please" Noris was overflow with emotions.

Nathan realised.

He tried to push Noris away.

Norise let go of Nathan.

"Let me go" Nathan said in anger.

Norise grabbed face with both his hands.

To kiss him but Nathan didn't wanted to do he pushed Noris.

"What's wrong baby" Norise asked.

"Let me go.... Why are you here. Did Roman send you to arrest me..... then do it" Nathan said.

"Nathan why are you saying this?" Norise was confused.

"Then why are you here if not to arrest me" Nathan asked in anger.

"Why did you ran away at the first place" Noris said a little loudly.

"Because......... you know what just do what you came here for arrest me or just let me go if you ever felt love for me once just tell them you didn't find me here" Nathan said and walked away.

"Nathan.... Listen to me" Noris said but Nathan just walked away straight to his room.

"Why is he here" Nathan said in frustrated he was not sure that he was delighted with happiness or sad heartbroken with this.


He puked a lot in his bathroom toilet.

Tears streaming down.

"Uhh uhh why why.... I was trying to move on so badly why did he show up out of no where" Nathan cried in the bathroom floor.

On other side Noris was angry but he remember what Roman said to deal with thinks patients.

He was happy that he found Nathan now he will try his level best to work things out.

He showed the hotel staff Nathan picture to ask them the room number and found our Nathan was in room number 1509.

Knock knock

Nathan went to open the door found Noris standing there with his luggage.

"What do you want?" Nathan asked.

"Move let me come in" Noris said.

"Who are you to come into my room?" Nathan asked

"I am your boyfriend and so called father of this child your carrying" Noris said looking down to his abdomenal.

"Shut up I am not pregnant how can a man be pregnant and remember we broke up so get out of my room" Nathan said.

"I know your verry good at lieing baby but I saw your reports Keith told me your pregnant and a good husband should take care of his pregnant wife so let me in" Noris said.

"Noris just don't irritate me and get out" Nathan pushed Noris out and closed the door.

It was 8 in the evening and Nathan was getting hungry.

Nathan opened the door Noris was about to say something but before that Nathan closed the door of his room and went out without giving any more importance to Noris.

Norise saw his luggage he got an idea.

He went to the balcony and got into the room after unlocking the window and put his luggage inside Nathan's room and closed the window.

Then he went to the same restaurant where Nathan was sitting and eating.

Sat in front of Nathan.

Nathan gave him a look but didn't want to argue while having meal.

Norise ordered the dish with Nathan liked. Just to tease him.

Nathan didnt say anything when he was just he just got up to pay the bill but found out Noris has already paid.

He went to put money on the table.

"Look Mr keep your money to yourself" Nathan said and walked out in anger.

He was feeling dizzy due to so many emotions so he just walked around the beach at night.

The water waves made calm down a bit.

He sat on the beach to see the ocean at night the waves.

Norise came there saw Nathan but didn't go near him.

"I know your angry baby but I will definitely make you happy. I will be with you no matter how much you push me" Noris said.

Nathan was feeling cold Noris wanted to give him his jacket. But he stopped himself as he didn't wanted Nathan to take more stress. Noris suprise arrival was no more than emotional attack for him.

*To be continued*

Nathan NorisWhere stories live. Discover now