5. The Truth

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Nathan got a room it's not that luxurious but it still has double bed. A study and beautiful view out form one side a beach view. He lied in the room tired from the journey.

'Will this be my new home, where I will raise my child' Nathan thought.

'Did we really break up, I miss him so much our first year was so good but then thinks are just not working out since I started working with Keith. This distance, I don't know if he will come to find me or not. I am glad Keith didn't trusted doctor when he said I was pregnant, I dont want to be joke of the year' Nathan thought and while thinking more he fell asleep.

In next few days Nathan got a job in resort. He started working.

Noris called him few time but he decided to cut all threads with Noris so he stopped picking up his call. Because that's the only way to move on as now he has two people responsibility ion his shoulders.

Keith sitting on the couch in the living room after interrogating the doctor.

"Astro, call the pilot we will be leaving for Russia in one hour" Keith said turn headed to hus bedroom.

"Yes boss" Astro replied.

In Russia.

Noris just found out Nathan run away. He still couldn't believe it.

He tried to call Nathan but this time his phone was switched off.

'No no no you can't do this with me I can't lose you again Nathan. What if he tried to commit suicide after out conversation that day. No no no god........ I will bring you back any how then I'll punish you a lot. For dissappearing and troubling je like this' Noris said.

Noris wanted to ask from Roman to order Obi for reach mission but it was still 3 in the morning so he decided to talk to him in the morning only but that night was very tough for Norise.

He never realised when ever he use to hang up on Nathan without even wishing bye or Goodnight how Nathan would have felt but today he remember all those time. All the time he talked rudely. They way he ignored Nathan. He was so angry that Nathan might still have feeling for Roman that he intensionally want to trouble his boyfriend so he ignored him didn't pic up his call or called him back as a result he is gone now.

Next morning

Roman walked out of the room in night suit.

"Good morning Sir, can I talk to you" Noris said in hurry as he was waiting for 3 hours straight.

" What's wrong" Roman asked.

"Sir my wife ran away.... I mean Nathan dissappeared" Noris said.

"What...... when" Roman asked.

"He is been missing from last 8 days" Noris Said.

"When did you find out this" Roman asked.

"Last night" Noris replied with lowering his head down.

Roman took a deep breath he wasn't sure who should he be mad on first Nathan who ran away or Noris who had no idea that his boyfriend is missing from last 8 days.

"Okay, call Obi and tell them to search for him" Roman said.

Then he walked away.

"Sir Keith is coming he will be landing in 2 hours" Noris said he forgot to tell Roman.

A huge smile appeared on Roman's face.

"Clear my schedule I'll go and pic him up from airport" Roman said. Before going to living room for breakfast happily.

'Nathan is right I should learn from Roman how to be a good boyfriend how can he be so much in love even after 3 years' Noris thought.

Noris was still wondering where would Nathan be, hoping that he would be fine.

Norise informed obi that Roman gave them a mission to fine one of the bodyguard called Nathan who went missing.

Keith came and as said Roman went to pic him up. Norise was the one to drive him.

They sweet talk and also made out in the car back seat, this made Noris realise how much he missed Nathan and now he is gone but he knew he would find him and get back together.

As they reached home.

Keith sat in the living room beside Roman.

"Roman I need to talk to you about something" Keith said.

"Yea I heard about Nathan dissappeared, don't worry we will find him Obi is alredy on it" Roman said in Clam voice.

"Actually there is one more thing" Keith said looked at Noris.

"Noris sit down" Keith said.

Noris sat down in frount sofa.

"I believe the reason Nathan ran away was because he found out he was pregnant and didn't wanted to be humiliated again" Keith said in serious tone.

Norise was shocked what he just heard.

"Astro show him the reports" Keith said.

"That son if bastared Maison" Roman cursed. Which made Keith confused.

"Noris" Roman said, he was still shocked to respond.

Roman looked at Noris knowing he was still shocked.

"Astro call the security department of bulletin towers and tell them to arrest Maison" Roman ordered.

"Yes boss" Astro replied.

"What's happening" Keith asked as he was confused.

Norise still checked the reports and sonography image or Nathan being pregnant.

"Actually around 3 months ago Maison kept a proposal in frount if me for an experiment in which he could place a artificial womb in Male bodies and make them fertilse with male and through there sperm he can make them pregnant just like women. But it was riskey process and people coild die so i rejected the proposal and told him not to research any more in this experiment" Roman said.

"So your telling me that while Nathan was working in bulletin towers Maison surgically implanted him with artificial womb and while having sex Noris made him get pregnant, wow now thar makes scense. But now his life is in danger because its a risky process" Keith said. Lieing back on couch head.

"Norise...... Norise" Keith called.

"Yes boss" Noris replied he was still shocked.

"Will you take responsibility" Keith asked in serious voice.

"Yes..... why do you ask" Noris arrogantly replied.

"Norise" Roman warned.

"Sorry Sir" Noris said.

"I mean, it's non of my business but your boyfriend went missing and you realised after 7-8 days, are you guys still together ? And even if you aren't together the question pop up my mind that if you're together so you won't be taking responsibility. Which now makes scense to me why the Doctor I interrogated said that, my bodyguard said he wanted abortion but he could get in touch with his mate he didn't picked up his call nor called him back. Because if you aren't I probably will" Keith said.

Roman staired at Keith.

"Roman as a friend, I mean..... take care of him can fund the child" Keith explained.

"Okag got it, yes I mean we will" Roman added.

"Don't worry Boss, I'll take full responsibility for baby and Nathan but I want to see Maison first" Noris said clinging his teeth in anger.

"Fair" Roman said.

*to be continued*

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