4. A New Life

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Nathan sitting in the bathroom with pregnancy tip test with positive result.

"Ohh my god I am pregnant what am I going to do now"

7 days back

Ring Ring

"Hello Baby" Nathan called.

"Hey Hi what's up" Norise said.

"I miss you" Nathan replied.

"Didn't we just spent some time together" Norise said.

"Baby it's been three weeks now, is it wrong to say to your boyfriend that I miss him" Nathan replied.

"I never said it's wrong its just that, I am a bit tired" Norise replied.

"Can we talk for some time then I'll hang up" Nathan said.

"I can't I am tired let's talk later" Norise said and hung up.

"Fuch he swats does this" Nathan said in frustration.

After 5 Day's

Ring Ring

"Hello" Nathan Said.

"I am busy I can't talk" Noris said.

"It's fucking 3 am in Russia are you still busy" Nathan asked.

"We are just returning from the meeting, I'll go home and sleep, let's talk later" Norise hung up the phone.

Tears streaming down from Nathan's eyes.

Yesterday Night

"Hello" Norise finally called Nathan back.

"How are you" Nathan asked.

"Good just tired, we have been working for weeks like this" Norise complained.

"I can understand" Nathan replied.

"How are things with Keith" Norise asked.

"Going well" Nathan replied.

"Did you ever think about having a family Norise" Nathan asked.

"I really can't even if I want to, it's to busy where do we have time to chill or relax running here and there we rairly have time to sleep" Norise said.

"Do you ever wish to retire" Nathan asked.

"Are you mad what are you talking about where will we go away from this, I don't know what are you leading to" Norise said in a little loud tone.

"Why are you mad I am just asking" Nathan replied.

"I don't know I am just so tired of work" Norise said.

"I am tired of hearing that line don't you know I also worked for Roman for last 15 years but I don't go complaining all like this, you don't even have time to talk to me properly. When is the last time we actually talked" Nathan asked.

"Please you worked for him because you wanted him to be your boyfriend some day untill he found Keith" Norise replied.

"Why are you bring them in" Nathan said.

"You know we can't be fighting like this when ever I call you , you keep on complaining" Noris complained.

"Because you don't give me time look at Roman and Keith they talk on phone all the time I just can't help to be jeleous" Nathan said.

"Are you jeleous Because Keith and Roman and you don't" Noris said being mean.

"No Because I miss you dammit" Nathan yelled.

Nathan NorisWhere stories live. Discover now