Chapter Twelve

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It was then Angela appeared next to her apologising for keeping Bella waiting, she got held up in class and was worried that Bella would have left her. Bella quickly reassured her that she would have waited for her no matter how long she took.

"You're the best Bella," Angela said with nothing but truth in her words. From her thoughts, I could tell that she considered Bella a true friend. "You ready to go or...?"

Her eyes glanced between the two of us. Her instincts were screaming at her for her to get away from me but she didn't want to seem rude. Bella noticed this and nodded.

"Yeah," Bella's eyes flashed to mine for a moment, "I'll see you tonight, Edward"

I grinned. "I'll be waiting"

Angela's mind flashed with questions, questions I knew she was about to drill Bella about. She would pry too much out of her though, she wasn't anything like Jessica. She respected Bella. Whatever Bella chose to do in her life was up to her, as long as Bella was happy, so was she.

They both waved goodbye and I watched as they walked across the lot and towards Bella's car. They both shoved their bags into the backseat before climbing in. Bella started the engine, making the radio blast with Heartbeat by Childish Gambino and they both squealed before Bella turned it up. I watched in happiness as Bella slowly pulled out of her parking space, both of them singing along to the song before she drove off.

She was still coming tonight. I sighed happily and unlocked my own car before jumping in. I was worried all day that she would change her mind but when she said she would see me tonight, made my dead heart sore. Bella was coming home.

My siblings decided to join me then. Neither of them apologising for taking their time. Their thoughts were consumed with nervousness, apprehension and excitement for tonight.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually can't wait for Bella to come tonight"

Rosalie's comment nearly made me slam on my breaks in shock. Her and Bella never saw eye to eye in the books, well not until Breaking Dawn but that was only because Renesmee was involved.

"Who are you and what have you done to my Rosey?" Emmett asked shocked.

Rose chuckled. "I know even I'm shocked I've said that but...I want this time to be different. Now I know Bella's true intentions and how she really feels for Edward, I want us to start fresh and hopefully become friends"

I glanced at Rosalie, shocked at her words. She wanted things between her and Bella to be different and was hoping that Bella would feel the same. I wasn't used to this side of Rosalie...she was normally bitter, self absorbed and selfish but hearing her say those words, made me realise just how much she was going to try and make things right.

"Her sense of style helps" she added chuckling.

"I know right!" Alice squealed. "I love her style! I still need to ask her where she got that skirt from she was wearing yesterday!"

I laughed at that. It was true, Bella's sense of style was totally different than what it was in the books. In the books she was a jeans and t shirt kind of girl, but this Bella had an amazing sense of style that even made Alice proud. She truly did look beautiful, saying that, she could wear a bin bag and she would still look beautiful.

We arrived home in no time and I pulled into the garage. Jasper followed suit, he chose to drive home alone today. He didn't want anything interfering with his gift like it did yesterday. I cut the engine and one by one we all piled into the house. Straight away I was hit but the smell of cleaning chemicals and candles. Esme and Carlisle had been cleaning all day.

Esme met us in the living room. "Does it smell okay? I want everything to be perfect but I didn't want to over do it"

I chuckled, trust Esme to over do it.

"It smells weird," Emmett answered wrinkling his nose. "A good weird, but weird nonetheless"

I wanted to smack him. Thankfully, Rosalie beat me to it. She smacked him around the head causing him to hiss out in shock and rub where she had hit.

"What is it? Abuse Emmett week?"

"Well maybe if you weren't so annoying, you would be left alone" I snapped before turning my gaze to Esme. " It smells perfect in here mum"

Esme gleamed with happiness before dashing off upstairs to check how Carlisle was doing cleaning the bathroom. I turned to face Alice.

"How long?" I asked and watched as her face went blank. Her vision went too fast for me to even comprehend about what's happening.

"One hour" she replied and the whole house erupted in chaos. Esme and Carlisle looked like mad men trying to make sure it was 'presentable", Carlisle hurried into his study, eager to show Bella all of his books, Emmett loaded up his console ready to show her his favourite game, Esme made sure we had enough snacks in, Rosalie helped Alice in the bathroom getting all the makeup ready so they could pounce on her when she least expects it, Jasper locked himself in his bedroom trying to ignore all the emotions and I showered and got changed.

The hour passed quickly and before we knew it, I heard the dull sound of Bella's engine on the highway as she waited to turn onto our drive away. I could hear the music coming from her car and listened as the traffic -which was already building up due to people finishing work - eased allowing her to turn onto our long winding road.

I was out the door as soon as her tires hit the road and eagerly waited for the sight of her car as it got closer. It didn't take long, it seemed this Bella liked pressing on the gas as much as I did and soon she was in front of our house. She turned the car around so it was easier for her when she left -she did it perfectly- and stopped right in front of me.

My family were eagerly waiting in the living room and I had her door open before she cut the engine. She slowly stepped out and our eyes locked and just like before, time stopped. Before I had realised what happened, I pulled her into a hug not being able to help myself and clearly she felt the same way as her arms wrapped around me and she buried her face in my chest.

Her scent hit me again and I fought the monster that wanted to come out. It didn't take much, Bella was in my arms and I felt the world around me be complete.

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