Sullivan: Alright, we got a few rules to go over. 

Andy: Captain, we know windstorm protocols.

Chief Ripley: A quick review never hurts. High winds mean fires can ignite and spread exponentially faster than under normal circumstances. We're already getting multiple reports of downed trees and power lines. Your priority is to keep yourselves safe. Pack up extra gear, extra tanks, extra everything. It's gonna be a long one. The storm's just getting started.

Maya: Are you with us all day, sir?

Chief Ripley: For the time being, yes. I'm checking in on all high-call areas today.

Andy, Vic, and I are all starting to pack up the truck until Maya walks  back to us.

Maya: I can't believe Ripley's here.

Vic: Yeah, me, neither.

Maya: I'm due to interview with him this week for the lieutenant position.

Andy: So today's a perfect opportunity to show him what you got, firsthand.

Dispatch: Aid Car 19. Medical response requested at 844 Hawthorne Street.

Chief Ripley: Both Bishops, that's you.

Sullivan: Actually, I'll take this one. I'm the captain. I should be first out.

I start making my way to the aid car to join Captain Sullivan.

Andy: Hey, uh, Chief, can I tag in for Bishop?

Chief Ripley: Fine with me. Sullivan, you good riding with Herrera instead?

Sullivan: No problem.

I stop when I heard Sullivan and Andy was replacing us. I walked back to the trucks to continue what I was doing as they both drove out of the station. Ben, Vic, Dean, and I all move the other items into the lobby to count how much we had of each things.

Ben: 10 floods, 5 area lights. Fully stocked on flashlights. You know, I am both really glad to be here and pissed that the storm is happening today.

Dean: We're good on pants and parkas?

Travis: *walks in carrying items* All high-visibility rain gear accounted for. We can do Friendsgiving another time. 

Ben: I know, I just could have really used it, ya know?

Me: Oh, we'll come over and celebrate at the next shift off, or the one after that, or the one after that, or the one after that, or the one-

Dean: Wait what now?

Travis: Hey.

Vic: Hey.

Travis: What are you guys doing here?

Ben: Oh, hang on, did-did you decide to save Friendsgiving? *chuckles* Did you decide to save Friendsgiving?

Capt. Pruitt: Actually, he did.

Dean: So we're doing it here?

Capt. Pruitt: Yep

Dean: Not at the houseboat?

Capt. Pruitt: Nope 

Dean: Here?

Capt. Pruitt: Yep. 

Dean: Yes! Ooh-hoo-hoo! Well, that's an excellent idea, and Tanner, for real, your-your dad's all right.

Greg: Aww, it's not a big thing. You guys work so hard, it'd be a crime not to enjoy a good meal. And, hey *chuckles* I would know.

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