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"Sorry for the delay! I left my wallet so I had to run back to the dorm." Wonbin speaks in between puffs.

"I just arrived too." Hyunwoo replies.

It all began with Wonbin suddenly having a responsibility of his own. Sohee however, kept insisting to do things accordingly but Wonbin can't barge a single burden to his hands. Resulting to trigger his excessive time managing.

"You look a bit pale today Wonbin." he utters as he observes the latter working.

There's something that makes Wonbin a really unique person, his physique does all the work of showing people what he feels at the moment. Even to the point of still trying to hide his emotions.

Wonbin looked at him, eyes showing signs of distress.

"...Oh, d-do I?"

"Certainly, you even loose your focus on things. Like you're using a counter towel to dry the cups instead of a kitchen towel."

Wonbin gasps over to the realization, quickly throwing them back to the hanger.

"I'm sorry hyung! Let me wash them again..." he offers his hands and ran his way to the kitchen.

In a couple of seconds, the sink was filled with clear water and Wonbin couldn't help but to stare at the mere reflection above the surface. His image was dribbling as it makes mini waves, sighing deep to extract a few head aches and began.

"This is all his fault..." Wonbin speaks to himself, his temper sending tight grips among the dishes. Almost as if he's about to crack them down.

"Hey." he heard a muttering call from the manager in the midst of his self fulmination.

Causing Wonbin to look back and see the manager smirking at him.

"Uhh... what is it hyung?" he asks, confused.

"Well, I think I'm going further down to my conclusions." Hyunwoo says something unpredictable, but definitely gets Wonbin worked up for.

The latter approached him, attempting to wisper something to Wonbin's ears.

"Tell me, how long did you and Sungchan went last night?"

Once again, the latter became speechless. His eyes widened over the fact that he couldn't deny any speculations. Wonbin covers his mouth with his hands, the cups are left undone as he falls down the ground and sat. Sinking his head down and his knees rising to his chest

"Hyung, please tell me it's not obvious..." Wonbin says, his face burried in between his arms and hopes for an affirmative answer.

"Let me see, your whole body is pale, your lips is numb, and your neck is uhh, filled with... you know." he answers in detail.

"What surprises me is that, how the hell did you managed to go here without covering those. Quite the confidence I must say..."

[AN: He's pertaining to hickeys :> ]

The room inside filled them with silence, but not until the smaller began bawling his heart out. Earning a sigh from the manager and taps on his shoulder.

"Not only did I shame myself to you, but probably to everyone I ran into today as well... huhuhu." he jumps into several negative thoughts, sobbing himself.

"Don't worry, I have a keen eye for secrets and have never told anyone when I get one." he says, trying to earn Wonbin's trust.

The silly Wonbin calms himself, sniffing air to release some pressure from his chest.

"I don't wanna lose my virginity like this." Wonbin speaks out of the blue.

It somehow made Hyunwoo burst into laughter.

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