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Wonbin just finished preparing himself when he suddenly heard really loud bangings on his door.

"YA WONBIN HURRY UP." someone from the outside calls him out.

Judging from the voice, it was no other than the makeup girl, Yerim.

"Coming!" he said in response as he wears his shoes.

The day brought back his memories when he was still back in the countryside, it reminded him when his auntie was the one bickering him to go on with the day just to be done with. Wonbin has settled but the annoying knocks on the door never did. In addition, he remembered one last thing before he leaves.

"Ohh." he mutters, then quickly ran back to his bedroom. The morning sunshine took its rays right onto the picture of his mother, making him smile at the image.

"Bye mom." he says then caresses with a smile.

The latter opened the door, showing an almost stressed-out Yerim in front of him.

"Come on! There's no time to spare." Yerim utters her words as the other locks the door then both of them left in a hurry.

It's quite fascinating for Wonbin to be walking by the streets of Seoul for the first time. He felt like he was in one of those romance movies. The latter took every step to remember where he should be heading as the day goes by and they both were successfully boarded in the bus to the campus.

"Woah, it's a rare occasion to have such a spacious bus in this hour." says Yerim, having them as the only passengers on the vehicle they're on.

*Minutes later*

"Okay, maybe I shouldn't have jinxed it..." Yerim says again as the bus began to be flooded with people rushing in and out. Giving them a really hard time adapting to it.

She looks to Wonbin beaide her. "Hey, are you okay? You look like you're getting squeezed like a lemon anytime soon." says Yerim as ahe notice the latter sweating.

"Don't mind me, I just want to get off here as soon as possible." he replied, forming a forced grin at the other. Considering that Wonbin has a really slim figure, he was able to cope with the compression.

"Also, what's with your hair today? Didn't you took a shower earlier?" the other notices that his hair hardly looked like a typhoon just went passing by.

"Well, if someone wasn't too excited earlier. I could have had the time to fix myself." Wonbin replied, grinning and casting a side eye.

The other just rolled her eyes then went to take something out from his bag. It was a hair tie.

"There." she says as she finishes tying Wonbin's bob.

"Noona!" Wonbin exclaimed, while hiding his style from the people around him. "People might think something different with a style like this..." he added.

"Don't worry, it made you looking more handsome actually." she compliments him, leaving the other with a stern look.

"Oh we're here, let's go!" Yerim uttered then took the latter's wrist before squashing themselves out among the crowd. They stand triumphant against that.

"Oh, we still have time. I bet it's your first time here, right?" Yerim asks, but she notices that the latter only had his attention to the enormous building in front of them. It was the university building.

She patted Wonbin's shoulders. "Want to take a look around?" she asks. And Wonbin gratefully nodded in response with his sparkling eyes.

The two began walking along the campus grounds, seeing so many students walking around, people within the university departments greeting them, and many more interesting aspects. As they continue to stroll around, they happen to pass by a coffee shop inside the campus.

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