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Wonbin has never felt so relieved like this before, going up stage with all his sacrifices finally laying off.  He gazes to every people inside the venue, clapping all their hands in unison. Then a smile shapes in his lips

"Congratulations Wonbin, you finally made it!" says his Auntie Boram as soon as he got off the platform.

His Auntie has always been the one taking care of Wonbin ever since he was a child. Not to mention that his father never cared of him at all, it was her duty to take the responsibility to grab her sister's place and be the one who can support her dear sister's child.

"Thank Auntie, I'm glad you came!" replies Wonbin with a beaming smile.

"Well, who else would be here for you."

Life with Wonbin didn't really became a nuisance to auntie Boram. She and her husband were intended to have a child of their own. But... a grateful blessing becomes a nightmare to the two. Miscarriage took its place.

"Wonbin!" someone from the crowd then soon joins the two of them. Wonbin took a glanced from its direction, it was his uncle Hajoon. They both shared their hugs and bids congratulations to the latter.

Everyone inside the venue were all taking their moment as a new chapter soon enters their life. It is something that Wonbin has been used to it, but this time, he felt jealous to other students together with their real parents. He knew he could never gain a gift like that again. But on the bright side, he's always happy to see his uncle and auntie by his side.

Moments later, his auntie Boram noticed Wonbin's unusual expression. She knew what was going on in his mind.

"So... uh, Wonbin." his auntie muttered, and Wonbin heard it.

"Me and your uncle actually have a surprise for you! Are you curious?" said his auntie then smiled at Wonbin.

Wonbin wasn't sure if he should either feel happy or worried about it. All he wanted was to embrace this moment with them and never expects something more.

"If you want to see, let's go outside first. I think there's a nearby restaurant here. We can show it there." his auntie continued then they all proceeded to exit the venue. As for their celebration, they decided to spend their night at Wonbin's favorite food place. A chicken house.

Once everyone was settled, the food was served, everyone finished eating, and it's finally time for the surprise. At first, Wonbin was wondering to the sudden action of them. They both hurriedly sat in front of Wonbin together and smiled like never before.

Wonbin questioned himself, not until they both handed him with... a piece of envelope.

"An envelope?" Wonbin says in his mind.

He was stuttering to accept it at first even though he wasn't quite sure to what seeks inside. He grabs the matter then opens it slowly, as if he's making a thriller reveal.

"Surprise!" his uncle and auntie both utter in sync.

By the time Wonbin had opened the envelope, it contained a piece of paper. But inside that paper was the key to having a better life. He slowly reads it. "Seoul... National... University?"

"Yes Wonbin!" his auntie replies.

"We were thinking that... maybe taking you to a better place might be best for you." his uncle added, forming a wishful smile as they both looked at Wonbin with a wondering face.

At this point, he was speechless. Like a person caught in a cold night, he didn't hesitate to move on his position. All he did was to make sure if he had read it right. Many thoughts came suddenly to his mind.

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