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"The new batch of beans is supposed to arrive this hour, but why does it take them so long? I might need to do a follow-up." says Hyunwoo, standing himself and rushes to the counter.

The shop hasn't been active lately, and there were less customers at the moment. The two settled themselves over the seats to discuss about the cafe matters.

"You can leave it to me sunbae." Wonbin suggests, but only to get a face of pity from the other.

"As per Mr. Jung's orders, I was told not to give you any tasks for the week. So it's a no." Hyunwoo protests.

"Also, you only work on weekends, why are you here anyway."

Wonbin's face formed a distinctive frown, and seeks for refuge in disguise.

"Don't give me that look." the manager uttered, heading back to their spot with a few notebooks in his hands. "I'll tell the boss about you, otherwise..."

"I'm kidding! I just don't like it when I'm not doing anything, I feel so useless now." he certainly starts to loathe himself. Placing his hands on the table and falls his head over, forcing him to prevent making eye contact with the other.

He suddenly felt a hand on his nape, massaging them in a gentle manner.

"Do you really wanna do something?" the latter speaks, and it certainly gave hope for the other as he looks at Hyunwoo with those sparkling eyes. Wonbin nods continuously

He snickers among Wonbin's reaction. "You could write down the sales record for the week though. But only until the boss arives."

In the middle of mind the latter's own business, several knocks was shattering the silence on his focus, as a figure stood in front of Wonbin at the opposite side of the glass window. He turns his face, and was surprised as he saw a familiarity.

"Wonbin!!" Yerim yells his voice but the glass made it harder to convey the sound. They just waved at each other, then the other decided to join him in.

"It's been a while noona!" Wonbin utters, watching her rushes herself towards the latter.

"Wonbinnie!!" she arrives and hugs him without hesitation. "I kept looking for you everywhere, though I tried to visit you last night but you weren't responding to any of my knocks. Even damaging my fingers in the process..."

Wonbin suddenly looks at her, eyes widened to the point of remembering what he shouldn't be thinking of. Despite spending his whole night at Sungchan's house for the time being.

"Oh." Wonbin bites his lips and gulps.

"About that... Anyway, do you want to drink something? I can order one if you want to." he offers with all the confidence hidden within his sleeve. Hoping Yerim to change the subject.

"That would be nice, it took a lot of breath for me just by running everywhere to look for you." she replies, earning herself a reward for the effort.

"Phew." Wonbin mumbled to himself.

"Okay, wait here."


After a few minutes of chit chat with the other, Yerim finally leaves. Rushing herself to her class. As it didn't take that long until someone new shows up.

"Oh." Wonbin mutters, eyes fixed at the tall latter. "Where have you been?"

"Behind the building, I saw that girl entering here the moment I was about to go in." Sungchan says, glaring at the innocent person from the distance.

"You don't have to hide yourself, this is your shop anyway. She doesn't even have bad intentions towards you." Wonbin replies, grinning at the silliness.

Sunny Days | Sungchan x WonbinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant