chapter 311~330

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Lin Yuan quickly received Lao Zhou's response.

The company's film department attaches great importance to "The Fantasy Drifting of the Youth Pie", and the follow-up preparations may begin today.

Considering that the shooting could not start this year, Lin Yuan left the matter to the company to do it.

With the support of the film department, there will be no shortage of professionals to handle the preliminary preparations.

Temporarily unloading this burden, Lin Yuan went to class for a few days afterwards—

Lin Yuan rarely goes to school now.

Under the teaching of Yang Zhongming's character card, Lin Yuan's composing level has improved by leaps and bounds, and the school can no longer teach him anything.

Obviously the school is also aware of this.

Who can teach Xianyu to compose?

The composition professor is useless.

So for Lin Yuan's leave slips, the above has always been accepted.

Obviously, there is a deviation between the two sides' understanding of "whether Xianyu needs to continue in class", but fortunately the results are the same.

After class.

Lin Yuan also draws comics every day, just as a little spice in life.

I want to talk about it here.

With the serialization of the manga "Spirit of the Halberd Eater", this manga has entered the later stage.

Because the original work collapsed, the system's later changes to "Halberd Eater" are quite big.

The story line progresses directly to the point where the protagonist becomes the new Yuanyue Ten Masters, and begins to fight the previous Yuanyue Ten Masters.

It is the halberd.

It is estimated that it will not take long for this comic to officially end, and then Lin Yuan should consider what to draw in the lower comic.

After spending some leisurely days like this, Jin Mu reminded Lin Yuan:

"We have an appointment with the blog. If we can, we have to submit the manuscript this month. If you are not inspired, we will delay it."

Lin Yuan just remembered that the blog had reached an agreement with himself for a draft.

"There has been urging me..."

Jin Mu shrugged. As an agent, he replaced Lin Yuan with the process of reminding him that his status should not be.

Lin Yuan said, "I will submit the paper before the end of the month."

He has run out of short stories and needs to be re-customized with the system. You can take this time to think about what works for the lower short stories.

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