Chapter 20

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I kept walking around not knowing what to do about this situation.

"Should I tell Taehyun about this?What if Jake is just scaring me even though he's nearby?"I had so many questions while biting my nails.

I had even walked back to the house and seems Taehyun's mom wasn't going to let me think it through.

"You didn't even cook?I'm so hungry that I had to get here by taxi."She complained.

"You want me to cook?"I asked her giving her a confused look.

"Yeah,I mean I'm hungry."She said.

"I'm sorry Madam but I'm not your daughter in law,you can wait for your son to cook for you or cook yourself."I replied as she got up from her chair with her mouth wide open.

"Hey you girl,don't you dare speak to me like that!"She shouted.

"Huh I would have loved to cook for you if you were being nice to me,we are strangers and I treat a stranger the way they treat me...Taehyun is nice to me so I'm also nice to him,do you understand?"I smirked.

She couldn't take it and as I never expected she pulled me by my hair.

I screamed through the pain but did the same to her.

She also screamed and the fight began.

I was fighting through the part that I had so much stress.

We didn't even hear when the door was opening till we were both separated by Taehyun who looked madly confused.

"What's the meaning of this?"It was the first time I heard Taehyun's mad tone and his look made me gulp.

"You see this disrespectful girl your living with,I told her I was hungry and she told me that she's not my daughter in law,how dare she be so rude to me."She said pointing at me with our hair messed up.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Y/N we need to talk."He said as I expected it.

His mother gave a bit of a smile as she looked at me.

Taehyun pulled me by my hand forcefully to his room as he closed the door.

"What are we suppose to talk about,your rude mother or my son being missing?"I asked.

"I know you don't like my mom Y/N but at least Don't be too rude to her,she's like that...she treats everyone rudely and expect others to do the same...I apologize for her behavior."He said.

"A person shouldn't make an excuse for how they behave with others because if she's rude I'll also be rude,can't she cook for herself?"I asked looking away.

"Whatever...did you get any weird calls?"He asked.

"Weird call?"I said feeling sweaty.

"Uhm...okay,don't worry,we will get U-jin no matter what...I know that the way your acting is because your worried about your son,I don't want to make you more stressed."He said.

"Also make sure you mother leaves,I really don't like talking to her."I said.

He just silently looked at me and walked out of the room.

I rolled my eyes as I stayed in the room for 30 minutes.

I walked out to find his mother cooking in the kitchen.

"What the hell?"I looked at her with my hands folded.

She saw me and smiled.

"You told me to cook for myself,well I'm making this for me and my son,if your hungry cook for yourself."She said and the fact that her food smelled so nice.

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