Chapter 8

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He saw how worried I was.

"Don't you think he could have kidnapped the child?"He asked.

"Uhm...he doesn't know he has a son."I said feeling so scared.

"Maybe he will spare them."Said Taehyun.

"I hope so because he would be surprised at the new strangers."I said thinking about U-jin and Megan.

"Drive faster please."I said in a hurry.

We finally got to my house as we left the car out of the gate.

"Wait...don't just enter,let's listen to what's going on."Said Taehyun.

"I'll go in first,he wouldn't harm me."I said as Taehyun just nodded holding his gun.

I got to the door breathing in and out.

I opened the door slowly with a smile.

"I'm home."I said with a smile to see if he was near and as expected.

He was seated at the stairs and observing me.

He was seated at the stairs and observing me

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I looked at him as if I was paralyzed.

"Sweets,Don't you just miss me?"He asked with a chuckle.

I did not know what to do.

"What did you do to them?"I asked.

"Them?who are you referring to sweets?"He asked as he got up.

"Where did you get that blood on your hands?"I asked making sure I keep a distance.

He looked at his hands.

"It was nothing sweets,all I did was mess around with some people."He said smirking.

"You can never change,you know we are divorced so why have you come here?"I asked.

"Divorced,I don't remember us divorcing."He said pouting like a little kid.

"Stop this nonsense Jake and leave my house."I said wondering where U-jin and Megan were.

"I guess you don't live alone do you,you wouldn't have come here so fast when I told you I paid a visit."He said biting his lips and walking straight to me.

"Don't you come near me."I said as he stopped.

"Ahh why not?...I missed you sweets."He said.

"How did you even get out of jail,your sentence should have been long."I said as he touched his chest.

"Wow that hurts,I guess you didn't miss me but I still do love you."He said taking a step slowly.

"Don't Jake."I said walking back till I hit the wall at the back of me.

I began walking by the wall which I wanted it to lead me to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"He asked.

"If you take a step I'll make you regret."I said.

"I know what your trying to do."He said as I began to run to the kitchen to find something to defend myself.

I took out a knife plus some pepper powder which I hid in my bra.

He walked in the kitchen.

"Ohh word,do you think that knife will be enough to scare me?"He asked.

"I asked you,where have you kept them?"I asked.

"Hmm...their probably hiding I guess."He smiled.

"Jake this is not something to laugh about,look at you."I said feeling so mad.

"Are you upset sweets,I know I did many bad things but can't you just love me back like you used to?"He asked so innocently.

"Why would I love a man who tried to kill my friends."I said poiting the knife at him.

"Hmm I guess I'll have to do this the hard way then."He said looking dead serious this time which I got scared.

"Don't you come near me Jake."I said as Jake kept on walking slowly to me.

My hands were shaking to the point that I just wanted to really stab him if he got any close.

Jake just kept walking to me.

"Jake..."I was trying to stop him

Before I could say anything more he grabbed my hand,pulled me against him and took the knife.

I couldn't move by the way he was holding me.

"Jake your hurting me."I said struggling to get out.

"I told you I'll do it the hard way,if only you just listen sweets."He said.

For a moment there he suddenly hugged me.

"What are you doing?"I asked.

"I just missed you so much,the least I can do is touch you."He said.

I saw Taehyun walking into the kitchen without making a noise.

"Ohh word,I thought he wouldn't come in here...why did he have to come in here?"I questioned myself.

Taehyun saw I was looking and told me to keep quiet as he walked towards me and Jake.

Jake just seemed to like hugging me that he didn't want to let go.

"Jake,I know you missed me,but..."I was about to finish my words.

"Don't say too much,let's stay like this for a moment."He said as his eyes were closed and the knife was in his left hand.

Taehyun put the gun right at Jake's head.

"Let her go."Said Taehyun as Jake opened his eyes surprised.

"I guess you brought a visitor."Said Jake looking at me with a smirk.

"Yes so let go or he will shoot."I said.

"Wow amazing."Jake let go of me as I can finally breath.

"Your under arrest."Said Taehyun as Jake raised his arms up.

"Really?"He chuckled turning to see who this guy pointing a gun at him was.

By the look on Taehyun's face he seemed shocked to see Jake's face.

"I know,I'm fascinating right?"Asked Jake with a smirk.

"Don't you dare act funny."Said Taehyun.

Jake smirked and for a moment I saw him throwing something on the floor.

"What's that?"I questioned when suddenly Jake closed his nose and it was becoming all blurry in the kitchen.

I couldn't see Taehyun or Jake.

All I could hear were some kicking and punching.

When the smokey thing left the kitchen I saw Taehyun on the floor getting up with blood on his lips.

"Taehyun what happened?"I questioned getting him up.

"Are you okay?"He asked checking me up even though he is the one who is hurt.

"I'm fine,he didn't do anything to me...but your bleeding."I said.

"It's nothing,he just kicked me on my lips,no wonder they need police who can fight this days."He said as I got him up.

"He ran away."I said.

"Yeah I checked the house but I couldn't find your baby and the maid."Said Taehyun.

"What?"I seemed scared to wonder where Jake had taken them.

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