16. you're safe

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Chapter 16

Me and ayesha spent whole day here and there in the gardens along the hallways walking, here and there talking getting to know each other. I finally found someone to talk to.

She tells me how she was interested in studying physician course so a physician of the Royal Family teacher her medicine and somewhat basics of surgery. Fascinating, I was never allowed to meet anyone expect my neighbor , who was my best friend, I don't know where she must be and how she must be I missed her today.

Sadly, I had nothing to tell her much about what I did back home- was it home? Or a prison that locked me all my childhood and my teenage life. All I had was a weekly visiting friend , A, window and few books.

My life was papers, books, 4 walls one small glass window a clock, time never stopping, tick tock tick tock.

I grew older and older, wrapped, - trapped in a room that suffocated me at times. I forgot what the air out side tastes like, smells like.

In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters . Living love and loss through stories.

And the day I stepped , the world welcomed me in its arms, it all was crumbled. - over.

I was lost in my thoughts, just when I was startled by a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and gasp, my eyes wide. He looks at me with concern in his eyes.

"Ap theek hain na"

{Are you okay? }

H... han I manage a slow whispe nod my head and leave. He keeps looking at my direction until I leave.

Striding out of the room, I went towards the garden- his garden, his personal garden. I don't know if I was even allowed there, but I went anyways.

The day I thought u was finally gonna live a dream I dreamt about my whole life, I lost my childhood- those four walls, my fa... ther... - but I got him, Rustam, maybe was sent to me as a gift of all the tests and trails I went trough all I had endured

Maybe he's the miracle, that they say awaits you

He saved me, he married me, respected me and deep down I know he loves me. A soft, gentle love, not like the one my father did, harsh, authoritative. He set me free. I feel more, I live more I feel safe.

He comes over again, from behind like always out of nowhere causing me to fumble again.

"Ap theek hain na kabse dehk rahe hain ap pareshan lag rahi hain" he asks, ever so softly that I melt. I melt over and over again just like an I cream kept in 40 degrees.

{Are you okay I have been noticing you look stressed}

"Hum theek hain wo hum apse kuch pucha chahte thy"

{I'm fine I just wanted to ask you something} I ask. Blush crawling onto my cheeks and droplets of fear running through my veins.

"Han, andar chal k aram se bat karein?

{Yes let's go indside and talk? }

He asks me in a slow, patient voice .

Hovering a hand over my shoulders he walks with me to the room.

On the way I wonder how my father always portrayed the world to me so harsh so cruel he said everyone would want to kill me if I step out, but rustam was completely opposite of what's he's told me.

We reach the room and he close the door behind us.

I step ahead of him and proceed to sit forward on the edge of the bed.

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