Chapter- 37

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We grabbed swords that were lying on the floor and joined the fight. "Do not strike its heads!" Danny screamed, "It multiplies with every strike." Dad added, "How the hell did it manage to get here?!" I asked, "We'll talk about it later, attack the back." Dad said, "Warren, use magic, you idiot!" Danny screamed, "If you ask nicely I might." He replied.

He lifted the monster with magic and it shrieked, VERY loud. Everybody covered their ears and fell to the floor, Warren made a barrier to cancel out the noise but everybody else could hear it. I gripped my sword and screamed, "Warren, put it on the ground!"

When its legs touched the ground I charged at it with full speed and stabbed its throat and then its legs and so on until it finally shut up. Dad told me and Danny to go to our rooms and called in the Knights and wizards to come in, he figured out how monsters were coming inside the mansion.

Warrens POV:The monsters are definitely the king's work, he probably hired wizards to send in the monsters. After the meeting with the Duke, I went to Olivia's room. "Hey, you okay?" I asked, "I'm fine," she said, Danny came into the room and he wasn't happy when he saw me, "What the hell are you doing in my sister's room?" he asked angrily, I looked at Olivia. This bitch is watching the whole thing like it's a drama! She was staring at me expecting a reply.

"We're dating," I replied smiling, Olivi's face just dropped and Danny looked as if I had stabbed him. I felt something hard hit me on the head, "Owww, what the fuck?" I turned to see my little princess angrily hitting me with the pillow.

"What? You didn't say we were keeping it a secret!" I said while laughing, "I'm going to kill you!" she screamed, "I'll help!" Danny took another pillow. I ran around the room trying to avoid getting hit by the two of them. Damn, siblings are the same.

Ahhhhhhh!!!!! She's fuming with anger but she looks sooooo cute right now- I can't! I finally get tired from running around the room, "Alright, are we done now?" I asked, "Come here you asshole!" she screamed, she's fucking adorable but I'm tired right now. I stopped and when she hit me with her pillow I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me.

Just as I was going to kiss her Danny hit my head with a pillow, "Get off her!" great, the moment was ruined now, "Fine, both of you need to relax." I said letting go of her. Of course, she smacked my head and proceeded to play pillow fight with Danny.I went over to her bed and fell asleep. When I woke up, I felt someone hugging me from behind. I opened my eyes to see Olivia in front of me sleeping peacefully, It took me a second to realize that someone else was hugging me. I turned around to see Danny sleeping, "You okay?" Olivia asked sleepily, "I'm fine princess, go back to sleep." I kiss her forehead and she closes her eyes again.

I need to find out more about the king's plan, it's obvious that he knows there's no way in hell I'm going to help him so he's probably thinking of killing her another way. I hate thinking about this.

I hug Olivia and keep her head on my arm, she has a habit of sleeping like a shrimp or a croissant, I don't know, she can't sleep straight. If I keep my hand under her head, she has to face me and if she faces me she won't look like an 89-year-old grandma with a bad back when she sleeps.

I want to marry her. If I marry her I could save her from the king and we'll be closer....Danny wakes up after a while and sees me awake, "Hey, are you seriously dating her." he asks, "Yes." I replied, "You like her?""Yes.""Since when?""The second time I visited this place." I replied, "Last question. Did you get close to me because of her?""No, because I wanted to be friends." I replied, "Alright." he got up, "There's going to be a banquet tomorrow hosted by the imperial palace. I know what the king is planning, I'll tell you the details later. Be with her the entire time, got it?" Danny said, "Got it."

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