Chapter- 13

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"The Duke has fallen sick. We think it's a new disease going around in the slums." The doctor replied, "Is there a cure?" I asked, "No, not yet but we are trying our best""How did this even happen?" I asked, "We are not sure about the cause of this disease but we will do our best to find a cure!" The doctor assured us. "We do know that it has something to do with magic." 

The doctor said, "But we only know that much, oh, and we need to use a medicinal herb but the problem is that some medicinal herbs mixed with magic can be poisonous to humans."Right now Felix is lying in his bed "Is he sleeping?" I asked, "Yes, he just took some painkillers and fell asleep." The doctor replied. Great, just when Warren left. "I'm sorry but I might disturb the Duke if I stay any longer, I will excuse myself. The doctor left.I left too. I went to the library to check something, I saw something similar to this disease.

 This wasn't the first time I heard about it either, it happened a long time ago, I'm talking about more than a hundred years ago. It's called the Ensoria Disease. It's caused by a plant called Ensoria.Very poisonous and even one bud is enough to spread an epidemic. At that time, the disease had been completely eradicated and the flower suddenly stopped blooming. 

These flowers only bloom in the harsh winters, and I'm not talking about 'Oh. it's cold out there, wear a jacket' winter, I'm talking about a 'Go out there and die of hyperthermia' kind of winter.But since people thought it was completely eradicated, they forgot about the cure too. We only remember that magic and a special medicinal herb were used. I went to the library to find out everything I could about Ensoria Disease along with Danny. 

We sent a letter to Warren asking him to come back as fast as possible to help us find a cure but since it started raining suddenly, we're not sure whether he'll get it today.Anyway, I went through all the history books I could find and the only thing about the Ensoria plant, the only thing I could find was that a few emperors ago it was said that my great, great, great, great, great grandmother had been diagnosed with Ensoria Disease and had died because of it.Great, Perfect, amazing.

 Now, we know that there really is zero chance of survival. "Finally, Olivia! I found something!" Danny screamed from the other side of the room, I ran over to where he was "What is it?" I asked, "It says that you'll need transfer magic 'Since Ensoria can't be completely removed," He started reading "It needs to be transferred into a plant or animal.'

 He stopped "Is that all?" I asked."This process will have to be done by a member of the patient's family.""But we don't know how to use magic." I said, "I know.""We need to ask Warren to teach us magic!" Danny said excitedly. "But how? He's not here and the storm outside-" Danny cut me off "Then we have to go to him.""How can we leave Dad- I mean Felix alone?" I asked, "Why aren't you calling him dad?" Danny asked, "Since I'm not really Olivia."

 I answered, "Whatever, you have to start calling him dad whether or not you're his real daughter." Danny was kind of angry."Alright, we don't have time for this. One of us will stay here and the other should go. I vote you go." I quickly said, "Why should I go?" Danny asked, "Well, since my soul is different from the real Olivia, then the curing process might not work and you well, you have your soul in the right body don't you?" I asked, "Yeah, I understand." He said, "I have a question.""Ask away," I told him,

 "What happened to my sister?""I don't know." I said, he looked a little sad and then changed his facial expression back to normal " Alright, I have to ask them to prepare a carriage." He said while leaving the library "I'll explain what we found to the doctor and butler Mia." I proceeded to leave.I asked to see the Doctor and Butler Mia in my room and started explaining what we found. They were surprised and then asked me why I wasn't going instead of Danny "Well, I want to stay here and look after father." I replied, they shrugged it off and left with the newly found information.

An Unfamiliar Beginning.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang