Chapter- 3

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We went to Felix's office and he told us to sit down. I sat down and Danny sat beside me, Felix was in front of us "Do you know why I called you?" he started "It's something related to the heir am I right?" I asked, "Yes, I clearly told you to think about it carefully, and yet after a few hours you say you already decided?!"

"Well, first of all, calm down! Second, I already told you, I don't want to be the heir!" I said

"How dare you speak to me that way!" he screamed back "Danny, what do you have to say about this?" he turned to Danny "I- I don't know" he replied "Well, do you want to be the heir cause I don't and the only logical thing to do right now is to give you the position of heir since I've lost my memory."

"This isn't such a simple matter." Felix looked pissed "I know! hence, the conditions." I said back "Are you sure? If you do give him the title of the Duke what will you do?"

"I'll- I don't know, I'll start a business!" "What kind of business."

"I'm still thinking about it! Anyway, why do you care?! I'm trying to make your son 'capable' enough to be the heir!" I felt angry at this point. I'm not fit to freaking rule this stupid place! I want to live in peace or something. I mean being the heir sounds cool and all but there are so many problems that come with it!

"This is not your decision to make! By the end of this month, I shall decide on who will succeed me! Now leave!" Me and Danny left. Right when the door closed Danny spoke "Why are you doing this?"

"I thought I made it clear that I don't want to be the heir," I answered annoyed "Ya, do you really expect me to believe that? You, who worked their entire life to be awesome and perfect to be the heir suddenly doesn't wantit? You just want to torture me don't you? or did you hit your head too hard in the accident?" He has such a cute face but such an annoying mouth at the same time.

"Hey, listen just because I lost my memories doesn't mean you have the right to speak down on me, I'm older than you and also why in my right mind would I torture you? why would I go through such lengths? Also, I'm a different person than how I was before! I don't remember anything so quit being an asshole! And as your older sister I demand you tell me about the accident!" I felt like I was a royal or something, it felt amazing.

The poor dude looked kinda scared though "Alright! Geez you old witch you talk so much! You want to know about the accident fine! But you have to come to my room, we can't talk about this in public!" he screamed back "Jeez, well aren't you a bit too disrespectful? Well fine, if we were to nickname each other I'll call you Baby Dan in front of all your friends!" #

"No! If you call me that I'll tell everyone about your memory loss!" he looked so embarrassed "Go ahead, father will probably kill you." He stomped off to somewhere angrily.

Well that was useless. I'll just ask Zelda.

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