Chapter- 16

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I went to the prison cell and met the wizard who kidnapped Warren and took six months of my memories. It's Laura! I don't know how I know, but it's her for sure! Just reincarnated into a different body. "Laure!" I said shocked, "Jess?" she looked tired and sleepy."What are you doing here?" I asked her, "Wait, you know her?" Warren asked, "It's a whole story." I replied, "How are you even here?" I asked again. "I don't know." She said, well, obviously she was lying! "If you don't tell me how you got here, there's no way I can help you get out of this basement," I said."I got reincarnated just like you, everyone did. It looks like we just got into the same novel." She replied, "Novel?" I asked, " We're in a novel called 'The Red Rose'. You're Olivia Baxter, daughter of Duke Baxter, the villain who tormented the main characters, Sia and Zold." She stopped."Why am I a villain? What about you?" I asked, "Supporting character, Liana Maroose. I was supposed to be killed by the crown prince after helping you in the banquet.""What banquete?" I asked, "There was a banquet held a few months ago, after the banquet, there was a battle for power and I was supposed to die then. I sent you somewhere else to save both of us, I knew who you were from the start. The banquet would have made you a target of the crown prince.""You don't seriously believe her right?" Danny asked, "Well the truth sometimes sounds like lies. Can I talk to her alone?" I asked, "You were reincarnated?" Warren asked, "Yup, now can you leave? She isn't a bad person." I pleaded with them and they finally left."Alright, please tell me the plot of the story." I took a wooden stool from beside me and sat on it. "It's a fantasy novel. The main characters are Sia and Zold, you get jealous of Sia for being perfect and try to bully her every chance you get but a few years later, Zold finds out and kills you. Sia and Zold were happy you were gone but there was another problem.""They were in a love triangle, both that wizard guy Warren or something and Zold were in love with Sia. Since Wizard guy was powerful among the wizards and Zold among the humans, they had a huge war.""Between a girl?" I asked, "Yes, and not only that, but the freaking lady died during the war too!" Laura exclaimed, "Well, what use was the war?!" I asked furiously, "Wizard guy wanted to rule over humans, so he started to provoke Zold and made him and Sia think that he was in love with Sia.""What the hell dude?!" I said "Exactly" Laura and I were getting angry at this point. "Anything else? who won?" I asked, "Wizard guy of course! he has magic." Laura replied."I have an important question I wanna ask you." I said, "Go ahead." she replied, "If you get released, what would you do?""Well, I'll try to form an alliance with you and kill that crazy wizard.""How about we just change the mind of 'that wizard' instead?" I asked I don't want to fight against Warren, "How?""I don't know but this doesn't happen for a long time right?" I asked, "It happens tomorrow, he'll start pretending." she stopped, "I know! you can try to make him fall in love with you instead!"No." I replied as fast as I could, "Fine then, we'll die here." Laura shrugged, "Fine, how about I think about it?" I asked, "Sure."I went back the way I came from and saw Danny and Warren standing near the exit waiting for me, "I wanna talk." I pulled Warren into my room, "What is it? Why are you so angry?" he asked, "Do you by any chance like someone?" I asked, "Um... yes, why?""Who is it?""Why'd you want to know?" He teased me, "If you don't tell me, I'll slap you in the face so many times it turns completely red." I said, "You really want to know don't you?" he teased again, "I-""Alright, alright! Calm down, I like this girl named Sia, you might know her." He said while smiling ear to ear, "I feel bad for her." I replied, "And why is that?" He asked while getting closer to me, "Because you're not going anywhere near her.""What makes you so sure of that?" He started to smile a little, like this was some sort of entertainment, Don't you ever go near her, or else.""Or else what princess? You'll kill me?" He's still walking towards me, he's planning to back me up to the wall, I went to my bed and took out my largest pillow, "or else I'll find a way to kill you with this." He walked towards me, "Ah! I'm so scared" he says sarcastically, "I'm warning you." I replied.Why is he still trying to come closer?!! Finally, he stopped but then I felt him grab my arm, "You know what I'm going to do, don't you?" He asked like he was threatening me, "Nope!" I said way too quickly, I tried to let go of my arm but the dude wouldn't let go! I pushed the pillow into his face and ran to the other side of the room, "Gosh, you're so cute." he said while smirking."Dude, you're creeping me out!" I screamed back at him, "Why are you so afraid?" He asked, "I don't think it's normal to confess your love to somebody and run away.""Who loves who?!" I screamed, for a second there I thought he meant his plans to freaking rule all of humanity and then it hit me. I'm a twelve year old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Being a child is the first! He probably thinks I'm an immature moron trying to confess my feelings!!!!Danny came into the room frantically, "Hey are you okay?! I heard screaming!""Ah, don't worry, someone just confessed her feelings." He's teasing me again! "No, I wasn't you asshole!" I freaking yelled, "What?!" Danny exclaimed. "You get out of the room and you stay." I pointed to Warren to leave and Danny to stay. "Sure thing, princess." he's getting on my nerves.

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