Chapter- 6

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I had to wait until dinner to meet Felix because I had so many classes! I couldn't even eat lunch properly! I ate a snack on the way to Etiquette classes or something, I have no idea what it's called. So when dinner finally came I asked if I could meet him after eating "Meet me after you finish all your classes."

Well, that's fine. I only have swordsmanship classes and I've been looking forward to it. After dinner, I asked Zelda where the swordsmanship class would take place "Young miss, it's outside in the knight's field." I went to change my clothes. I went outside and saw a knight, I think he will be my teacher.

"Hello, I'm Olivia Baxter." I greeted. "You're 2 minutes late." he said in a cold voice "Run two laps around this field. "Alright," I said and started running, he looked surprised for some reason. Well, I know learning swordsmanship requires a lot of discipline since I've read stories in middle school.

I haven't run in a long time, well I mean for a long distance. It was a huge field so I got tired after the first lap. When I finally finished, I was panting and went to the knight. I just realized that he didn't introduce himself. "Sir, I've finished. May I ask for your name?" I asked "Knight Diel Rose" and he replied, "Hold this." He gave me a wooden sword "Strike the dummy."I looked beside the knight and saw the dummy, I held the sword and hit it with all my might. I broke. How the hell did it break?! it was made of wood!!!! am I really that strong?! I turned to Knight Diel and even he looked shocked. "Where did you attack it?" He calmed down his expression.

"In the face," I answered. Did I do something wrong? I didn't know where to attack so I hit the face. "Why the face?""Because I thought if it couldn't see, it would be difficult to attack me?" I honestly don't know what to say "Are you asking me?" He looked at me. "No sir." What the hell does he want from me?! he definitely has a grudge against me but this is the first time we met! "Well done. Keep attacking."

I took the sword in my hands, got into position, and attacked its hand. The hand flew off, this dummy is seriously weak! "Now why did you attack the hand?" "So that it couldn't hold its weapon properly and if it switched its weapon to the other hand which is more likely it would be difficult as it was holding the weapon in its right hand and therefore it is a righty."

"A right?" He asked, "Oh, umm... that's what I call right-handed people as some people feel that it would be better to use their left hand for daily activities they are called left-handed." I explained. "Alright, now finish it." Once again I took my position and swiped its leg and it completely broke the entire dummy but I wasn't done, I swiped its weapon and stabbed it in the heart.

"That was unnecessary." He remarked "Well, not really. I attacked its leg so that it couldn't walk, took its weapon so that it had no chance of attacking me, and then stabbed it in its heart so that I know it's dead." I looked at him and he looked like I was out of my mind. "What if that was a friend, or someone close to you?" he asked "Then there would be no reason to attack me""What if it was in the heat of the moment while arguing?"

"Well then, they should know better than messing with me." Geez, how do these people make friends? "That's enough for today." "Thank you sir." and with that I left. I went to my room bathed, changed, and got ready to meet Felix. I knocked on the door of his office "Come in." He replied.

"Hello, I have something to tell you."I said, "What is it?""I remember.""Remember what?""Everything. Olivia's memories came back." I replied"Alright. How much do you remember?" "Well I don't think I know all of it but it comes to me piece by piece. Like trying to solve a puzzle""Is that all?" he asked "Yes."

"I've already told Danny about you.""Ya, I know you aren't my real sister!" He said. I didn't notice that he was in the room "Hello.""Shut up! Don't talk to me, I hate you!" He ran out of the room. I don't really blame him, his sister's dead. "Now leave," Felix said while going through documents. "Bye, Good night."

I went to my room. I want to go home, but I can't, I can't even fall asleep. I looked outside the window and saw the garden, I wanted to take a walk. I sneaked out of my room and went into the garden. I saw somebody in front of me and I hid. Just then I felt someone behind me before I turned around I heard a voice "What're you doing here?" I flinched and turned my head to see the person. He had brown hair and dark brown eyes, he looked the same age as me."Who are you?" I asked "Warren, the mage of the wizard tower."

"Well, what are you doing here?" I asked, "I could ask the same thing, young miss.""Who are you calling 'young'? We're the same age also it's none of your business." I replied, "Well, actually we're a year apart and I'm older.""I'm taking a walk, what about you?"

"A walk? This late at night?""Stop dodging the question! what are you doing here?" I getting annoyed at this point. "I'm here to meet your younger brother, well I guess he's not exactly yours.""Did he already tell everyone?!" "Relax, I'm a mage, I can detect this kind of thing from the color of your aura."

"My aura? Wait, what color is it?""Light green. Olivia's dark red. Aura is the strength you have. I'm the only person who can see the color of people's aura""Well I got to go, it was nice meeting you." and he left.

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