Chapter Thirty-Two

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A/N: I'd like to remind you all that I am not a doctor so I cannot guarantee that everything from the medical aspect of things is completely accurate

A/N: Sorry if this chapter is kind of sh!tty, I couldn't sleep last night so *of course* I naturally decided to write some more of this story :)


I was kept in the hospital for another three weeks just to be sure that I was okay, given all of the complications that occurred during my pregnancy as well as the birth itself. Tim was 'officially' discharged last week, but he has refused to leave my side this entire time. We've visited Luca, Annabeth, and Sasha at least twice a day if not more, every single day for the past three weeks.

After getting my discharge paperwork finally finished, Tim and I decided to visit our babies one last time before going home. Obviously, we'd still visit them afterward, but it may end up being slightly less frequent, maybe once a day or once every other day.

"Oh, hey! I'm glad I've caught you two!" Dr. Sanchez waves to us. "I have great news."

"Really? What is it?"

"They're all doing great, Sasha especially. If she continues to improve at this rate, she should be able to go home within four weeks."

"That's fantastic!"

"In other news... since she's doing so well, you're actually able to hold her for brief periods of time and I think she's ready to breastfeed if that's something you want to do."

"What do you think, Lu?" Tim asks me.

"I- I'd like that. Both to hold her and breastfeed."

"Great, I'll let the nurse know and she will be in shortly to help you get situated."

"Thank you, Doctor," Tim says. She nods with a smile before walking away. Tim takes my hand and leads me to our baby's room. Annabeth is still on both oxygen and a feeding tube, and Luca no longer needs the extra oxygen but is still on the feeding tube. Sasha, however, needs neither anymore.

A few moments later, the nurse walks into the room. "Are you guys ready to hold your daughter?"

"Yes. We are more than ready."

"Great, well then let's get Miss Sasha all ready to go. Mom, you wanted to try and breastfeed, is that correct?"


The nurse smiles and goes to retrieve Sasha.

"In that case, I'm going to have Dad hold her while I help you get set up, is that okay?"

"Of course."

Tim looks like a deer in headlights as the nurse gently places our daughter into his arms. He looks down at her with an expression of pure bewilderment.

The nurse hands me a hospital nursing bra, showing me how to put it on. "I'll step out for now so that you can have some privacy for this special moment."

She leaves and I glance at Tim who's eyes still have yet to leave Sasha. I shrug and pull my shirt off, which funnily enough manages to easily grab his attention. "Holy sh!t," he whispers.

"Hey, don't swear around the kids," I smirk upon realizing that I could have some fun with this. I slowly reach behind me and unhook my bra, shrugging the straps off and allowing it to fall to the floor. I can tell how badly he wants me. If it's not obvious enough in his eyes, his growing hardness makes his lust evident.

He knows what I'm doing. "Why, you little-"

"Shh... Luca and Annabeth are sleeping," I whisper with a flirty grin. I love that I can drive him wild with such minimal effort.

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