Pokémon Lockdown Episode 24: Goodbye Solitaire City

Start from the beginning

"Stopping you from doing something stupid. I get that he's a monster, but that doesn't mean you have to turn into one."


"You want this bastard to live after all the pain and suffering, he caused? Did you forget that he made this city a complete shithole, just so he could do some test on us?"


"Of course not. But killing him is not the way. Let him face his crimes and pay for his actions."


"His death is the ultimate payment for all the lives he took. Now this is my one and final warning. Move."

Gen gives Cassie a cold glare, as his mind was set on this.


"A challenge then. If you beat me in a one-on-one battle with only one pokémon. I won't get in your way of revenge. But if I win, you have to let justice take care of him properly."

Cassie made her demands, her voice stern and unwavering. Gen was silence as he continues to stare at Cassie.


"You can be such a pain in the ass, you know."

Gen shakes his head.


"Lucario, Dragonite, you two keep an eye on Evolnort. He makes a run for it, blast him off the roof."

Gen walked up to face Cassie. Gen then looks at Twil.


(To Twil)

"I'm sending you in for this. Let's just get this over as soon as possible."

The Twileon would hop off Gen's shoulder and face off against Cassie.


"I really don't want to fight you, Twil. You know we can't let Gen do this."

Twil stares at Cassie before taking her fighting position.


"You're just as dead set on this like him, huh?"

Cassie could tell the intention behind Twil's eyes. She then pulls out Quilava's pokéball.


"Well, then let's battle!"

Cassie releases Quilava, who would look surprise facing against Twil and Gen. Quilava looks at Cassie confused.


"Cyndi, I need your help on this. This is a fight we have to win."

With the bond that they had, Quilava quickly understood the situation and was ready to battle. The two rising star challengers that worked together were now against one another.


"We won't let anyone get in our way. Twil and I had made it this far. All we got to do is beat her."


""We won't let you become a killer, Gen. We got to save him."

Both pokémon understood the feelings of their trainers. Twil would make the first move, dashing at such a blistering speed that it was nearly impossible to keep up with. She moves from side to side to confuse Quilava. Then jumps up to go for an iron tail as her two tails begin to glow. Quilava would fire a smokescreen at the ground, quickly creating a big black smoke cloud that blinds Twil. Now in the black cloud Twil tries to locate Quilava that was hiding. Twil quickly opens her mouth to fire stars that fly up in the air. While doing that Quilava would come out of hiding to get close to Twil. He begins to charge up electricity to perform spark. But the stars soon quickly rain down fast and hit Quilava on the back before he could reach her. The cloud dissipates showing the two pokémon, with Quilava laying on the floor while Twil stood close holding a shadow ball in her mouth.

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