Pokémon Lockdown Episode 1: Welcome to Solitaire City

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INT. Underground Subway – Night

WE OPEN with a young man on a train along with his Pokémon sitting down and trying to relax through the train ride. The young man lowered his head, concealing most of his face with his hat and hoodie. Engrossed in his thoughts, he remembered an old memory.


"We'll get through this together, right Gen?"

A nearby argument between two men disturbed the thought of the young man. They faced each other, standing in the middle lane of the train. The young man looks at them, annoyed by their bickering.


"Come on Twil."

His pokémon looks up at him as he gets up from his seat. Then quickly follows him as they head to the door nearby to enter the next cart. As they left, the two men sent out their pokémon to start a battle. The young man sat down and put on his headphones, scrolling through his music list on his phone. When selecting one, an ad would play.



"People from around the world get ready. The upcoming 26th Pokémon League Regional Championship is just two weeks away. All pokémon champions from different regions will come and battle in Kanto. To determine who is the best of the best and is the ultimate Pokémon master. Champions such as Hop, Paul, and Cassie will make their way."



"Gah, stupid ads. And it had to be one that I can't skip quickly either."

The young man rolled his eyes and skipped the rest of the ad, which was about to introduce more competitors.


The train arriving at its spot, allowing passengers to get off. As the young man stepped off the train, he saw one of the arguing guys walking out, smirking.


"Thanks for the money and new Pokémon, chump."

He laughs as he leaves the subway tunnel. As the young man walked out, he passed by the other guy on the floor, groaning in pain. Paying no attention to the man left behind, the young man and his Pokémon walked away as the train doors closed.


EXT. City Streets – Night

As they walked up the stairs and entered the city lights. Filled out there was the crowded city area. Traffic was moving at a slowpoke pace, with plenty of people and Pokémon walking around as buildings towered over them. Some have monitors showing people along with their reputation status. The young man would soon stop by at a nearby food stand.


"Two Magikarp sticks."

He ordered while taking out his money. The cook understood and handed him two freshly fried Pokémon fish on a stick. The young man paid for his food, but it fell to the ground when a panicked girl with brunette hair bumped into him.


"Hey, get back here!"

A guy with a spiked mohawk yelled out as he and another guy with black shades gave chase after the young girl. They would step on the young man's food, completely ruining it.


"No refunds kid."

The food stand owner told the young man, not feeling sorry for his incident.

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