Pokémon Lockdown Episode 15: Evo Island

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INT. North District Pokémon Center First Floor – Day

After a bit of cleanup, the newly reclaimed Pokémon Center ran by Joyce was booming with business. The bustling scene featured people queuing up, eager to have their Pokémon healed or to rent new ones, while vigilant security-maintained order.


"Squad A, hurry up and get those Pokémon healed up and out of here. Squad B get the new group of Pokémon into some open rooms, any Pokémon with illness leave it to the Chanseies, they can deal with that."

In her role as a manager, Joyce efficiently assigned tasks to her employees, ensuring that everything ran smoothly.


"Squad C, help those people that need rented Pokémon, I wanted that area cleared out an hour ago. Move your asses."


"Man, it truly is amazing how you can take charge, Joyce."

Carter walked up to her with a notebook in hand and his zig-zagoon on his shoulder.


"Care to take a moment for a little interview? Thoughts on returning back on the nursing scene?"


"Hectic, now beat it Carter. I don't have time for your so call reporting."

Joyce made her way to the front counter, with Carter trailing behind.


"Thank you for coming, please stop by agahh~"

While Wix was mid-conversation with a customer, Haunter crept up from behind and playfully groped her chest.


"Ngh~ Haunter. Not in public. Ahh~!"

A deep blush spreads across her face, and a barely audible moan slips out, revealing her intense embarrassment. The group of male customers in the front wore a dumbfounded expression as they gazed intently. Once Mightyena barks at the perverted ghost, it quickly stops and Haunter retreats.


"Thanks Mightyena."

Mightyena receives a gentle pat on the head from Wix.


"Wix go take a 30-minute break, I'll take care of your post."



Wix understood and headed to the upper floor where Cassie, Gen, and Vance where chilling at.


"Is there a possibility of cute nursing uniforms in the future?"

Carter's question made Joyce glare at him, causing both Carter and his Pokémon to break out in a light sweat.


"Ugh... I mean for the other workers. The lab coat is obviously your style... I'll just drop that question."

Carter quickly scribbles over that question in his notebook.


"Ah, it was hard to believe when I heard the news, but I just had to see it with my own eyes. It's nice to see you working again Joy."

As he approached the counter, an elderly man wearing worn-out clothes spoke up.


"Hey, don't call me that like you know me. Who the hell are... You."

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