Chapter Twenty Three

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The sunlight shining through the windows pierces my eyelids, and I squint against it as I stretch as much as I can on this tiny bed. MOving from under the covers trying no tot wake Lily up, I walk over to Mariano's bassinet and just watch him sleep. His tiny little snores are eventually replaced with cries as he begins to wake up and search for food. I gently pick him up and cradle him against me, trying to soothe him as I walk back over to the bed.

"Seems like someone is hungry." Lily says as she reaches for him. I hand him over, and she places him against her breast as he latches on and begins to feed.

"Nothing is more beautiful in my eyes."
I sit down next to her and kiss the top of her head. I watch as he feeds from her breast, and my heart swells a little bit more with love. He may not be mine, but I already love him as if he were. I sit lost in the moment before me when I hear a knock at the door and the doctor peaks his head in.

"Good morning, am I disturbing anyone?"

"No, come on in. Leo is just having his breakfast." I answer as the doctor walks over to Lily's bedside as Leo finishes nursing.

"How are you feeling this morning, Lily?"

"I feel good. I do have some tenderness in my belly, though."
"Let me check everything over with you and little Mariano, and we will see about getting everyone out of here."
"That sounds wonderful."

"Thank you, doc." Lily hands Leo over to me while the doctor checks her over, and then comes to check over our baby. Once he is done he smiles as he walks to the door.

"Everything looks great, and I will go get your release papers and some pain meds for you to go home with."
"Thanks again, doc." I say as I place Leo back in his bassinet as he has fallen back asleep.

"No problem, I'm glad to see everything worked out for you." He walks out the door and leaves us alone again.

"Ready to get out of here, momma?"

"I am daddy, but first, I need a shower."
"Okay, let me help you out of bed and into that shower."
She gingerly sits up and puts her feet on the floor. I reach out and take both of her hands and let her pull herself to her feet. She winces as she stands and I move to put an arm around her as support. We walk into the bathroom, and I go to turn on the shower. She slowly takes off her gown and turns away from me as she finishes undressing.

"Baby, why are you hiding from me?"
"I look horrible. I don't want you to see me like this."
I slowly turn her around and pull her face from her hands. I tilt her face up with a finger so she can look me in the eyes.

"Sweetheart, you are beautiful, and every stretch mark and scar adds to your beauty. It shows you're a warrior and I don't think I could love you anymore. I don;t see them as flaws, and you shouldn't either."
A tear falls from her eye, and I wipe it away, kissing her cheek. I slowly begin to move down her chest, kissing as I kneel in front of her. I pull her panties down with the pad and help her step out of them. I take a few seconds to tenderly kiss across her stomach above her incision, running my hands over her full hips. This beautiful woman standing in front of me is a goddess and nothing could make me think differently. She has carried a human for nine months and gave birth to a healthy boy. I slowly stand up and kiss her full lips as I pull her into me and hold her tight.

"You are beautiful, and nothing will ever change my mind."
"I love you so much, Nate."
"I love you too. Now get in that shower. You will feel better after."

I help her walk under the warm water and then go out to look after the baby. He is still sound asleep as my mom comes in. I quickly silence her so as not to wake him. She walks over as she puts the bag she is carrying on the bed.

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