Chapter Thirteen

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Nathan's POV

The sun shines through the bedroom curtains as I blink repeatedly from the light as I try to wake up. I try to sit up and realize there is something weighing my arm down. As I open my eyes, I remember last night and smile as I look to see her sleeping form resting on my arm. What an amazing night. I had so much fun with her and loved that I could make her smile for a while. Don't get me wrong, the sex was amazing and definitely wasn't expected. It was the best ending to a great evening. She is laying with her back to me and I trace my fingers up her spine and across her shoulder sliding down her arm. Her skin is so soft and smooth and I see goosebumps arise where I have touched. She softly purrs as she begins to move and she turns around to face me as she blinks trying to wake up and a smile creeps across her face.

"Good morning, beautiful."
"Good morning, handsome." She says as I kiss her soft lips. She reaches up to caress my cheek and I lean into her touch. I wish we could stay here forever, but soon I hear her stomach growl and chuckle.

"Sounds like someone's hungry."
"Just a bit." She laughs.

"Let's get up and get ready. I want to take you out to breakfast."
"Sounds great."
We both get up and she heads to her room to get ready. I quickly hop in the shower to get ready and once I am dressed, I head down to wait for her. She eventually comes down in a sundress which shows off her baby bump. She is absolutely glowing and she takes my breath away. I can't help but stare.

"See something you like?" She asks with a wink as she walks over to me and stands on her tiptoes to place a kiss to my lips. I reach around and pull her body to mine as I deepen the kiss.

"Mmmm, let's get out of here before I take you back upstairs."
"Hahahaha, yes please, I'm starving."

I take her hand and quickly we head out to the truck. We climb in and head to the diner.

"Hey guys, nice to see you again. Same table?" Suzy asks as she greets us.

"Yes, please.

She seats us at our usual booth and goes to grab my coffee and orange juice for Lilly. I guess we have been here way too much since she knows what our drink of choice is.

"Alright guys, do you want your usual?"
"I would actually love some pecan waffles with a side of bacon?" Lilly asks as her eyes sparkle.

"I'll take the western omelet and sausage."

"Great, I'll be back later with your order."
Suzy heads off to put our order in and we sit in silence for a bit before I say something.

"Lilly, what are you thinking? Whatever it is, don't overthink. We will take this one step at a time. I really like you. I don't regret what happened last night, and I hope you don't either."
"I don't, at all. It was amazing. I really like you too. I just worry about the unknown. Whatever is out there, I don't think I could ever leave you."
"I have always told you I am not going anywhere. We will continue to search for your family and who you are. I don't want to lose you, but I want you to find yourself. If you want to go with them when it comes down to it. I will let you go if that is what you want. It would be hard for me but all I want for you is to be happy."

"My happiness belongs here with you."
She reaches across and squeezes my hand. I look at her and her eyes shine with tears as she tries to hold them back . I don't know what I will do if she ever leaves me, but her happiness is more important. Our waitress brings our meal and we dig in.

"Mmm, these waffles are so good, or is it that I am starving?"

"I haven't had anything here that I didn't like."
"They do have the best food."
WE sit and eat in silence for a bit.

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