Chapter Sixteen

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Nathan's POV

Lilly has been asleep for about an hour when mom comes in. I know my mom would be okay with Lilly working fewer hours for her health and the babies. I hear her knock, and then I hear her voice.

"Hey sweetheart, how's my girl doing?"
I quickly came out of the kitchen to meet her.

"Shh, she is upstairs asleep. She was exhausted when she came home so I took her up to bed."
"That poor girl. She has been through so much."
"I know, and I want her to take some time to herself. Would you be okay if she cut her hours?"

"Yes, I totally would be fine with that. She needs to take care of herself and the baby. Listen, while I have you, I was planning on her baby shower this weekend. I have everything planned and the guest list made."
"Mom, you didn't have to do that. We have everything we need."
"Oh stop, that girl needs to be celebrated. Every woman wants a shower. I want her to feel loved."
"She is mom."
"Why haven't you told her then?"
"It's complicated."
"No, it's not. I know you love her son. She loves you too. I can see it in both of you. Don't be afraid of it."

"I can't help it, but enough about me. When do you want us there?"
"Saturday at three, but don't tell her. I want it to be a surprise."
"Alright, we will be there, but you don't have to do this."
"Yes, I do. Now just make an old lady happy."
I just roll my eyes as I walk into the kitchen to start getting things ready for dinner.

"Hey mom, do you want to stay for dinner?" I call out as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs,

"Hey Abby, good to see you." I hear her sweet voice float through the air.

"You too, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"
"Pretty good after that nap. So did Nathan tell you why he wanted you here this evening?"

"Not everything, just that you needed to cut back on your hours."

Lilly gives me a look and I just shrug my shoulders.

"I didn't think it was my story to tell."
"Thank you, Nate. We went for my check up today, and they said I have high blood pressure, so the doctor wants me to take it easy and go back in two weeks to recheck. If it hasn't gone down, then she is putting me on strict bed rest."

"Oh, you poor girl. Absolutely, take whatever time you need. We want you and my grandchild to be healthy and happy."
"Thank you, Abby."
"Mom, what have I told you?"
"Oh Nathan, if you can step up for this baby, then so can grandma. I can't wait to meet him."

I can see the tears that threaten to fall in Lilly's eyes as she walks over to hug my mom. I am so glad that my mom has accepted her and the baby. I just hope that this Saturday will go okay and she won't be upset about it. Dinner is finally ready, and we all sit down to eat. The evening is filled with light conversation and laughter. I am so glad that my mom and Lilly get along, and I am over the moon that she accepts us and the baby. I just hope that it doesn't break her heart when Lilly finds out who she truly is and will still let her in the baby's life, even if I can't be.

It's starting to get late, and my mom gets up to leave. She tells Lilly goodnight and gives her a hug. I walk her out to the car.

"Mom, are you sure about Saturday? I'm just worried if she will find her real family."

"Son, don't worry about it. That girl loves you and will always be here."
"You don't know that mom. She could have someone else in her life who loves her and is looking for her now."
"Don't you think he would have found her by now? If he truly loved her, he would move heaven and earth to find her."

"That's true mom, I know I would. I am just scared to lose her. I have fallen so hard for her, and it would just kill me."

"I can feel it in my heart that she is here to stay."
"I hope so. I love you, mom. Be safe going home."
"I love you too, baby boy. I'll talk to you later."
She climbs into her car and heads back home. I watch her until she is out of sight and walk back inside. I can't help but smile when I see Lilly in my kitchen, scratch that our kitchen, and Rufus at her feet hoping she drops something. I want to see here every day for the rest of my life. I want to wake up every morning to her smile and go to sleep every night with her wrapped in my arms. Is it wrong of me to hope that her nightmares are true and the man in them is gone, that she will stay with me? I walk in behind her as she stands at the kitchen sink washing dishes. I wrap my arms around her growing belly, rubbing it softly as I place my chin on her shoulder.

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