Chapter Eleven

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I wake up and feel someone untying me, as I blink my eyes and focus on who it is. My whole body hurts at this point. I have been beaten so much, and I don't know what they are asking for. I look around the room and see my love slumped in the chair he is chained to. I see a man coming over to me quickly.

"Sweetie, I am going to get you out of here. Just hang on."
"What about him, who is he?"
"Not much else I can do for him. He is just about dead and they will not give up until they get what they want or you both are dead?"
"You've got to help him."
"I can't, but I can at least help you."
He carefully wipes my face and goes to untie me."

"Eddie! What are you doing? I told you to check and see if either of them were awake, not chat them up!" A large man says as he walks into the room."I was checking on it. She is awake and I was just checking on her restraints. He is still out and I'm not sure if he will ever be awake."

"I'll wake him!" Another man says as he walks over and throws a bucket of ice water on him and he slowly wakes up. "So, have you thought about telling us what we want?"

"Ugggh, I have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't seen any shipments." The man in the chair sputters out. I feel like I should know him. Something pulls me to him.

"Really, the son of the biggest mafia and you have no idea about any shipments? Do you think we are stupid?" The second man spits in his face.

"I guess you know I won't tell you anything!"

"Then I guess we will need to persuade you in other ways." The first man slinks over to me with a sinister smirk and grabs a large hammer on the way. "So, if he doesn't tell us, then we take it out on you." As he gets to me he rears back and slams the hammer into my forearm as I scream. I feel and hear the bones crack.


I wake up in a cold sweat as I sit and frantically look around me as I realize I am in my room, and see Nathan run in and sit next to me.

"Another nightmare?"

"Yes, but I think I may have a name."
"Are you okay?"
"Not really, it is always the same nightmare. I am tied to a chair with another man and we are being tortured."
"I am so sorry, sweetheart."
He pulls me against his chest and rubs my back and he holds me in his embrace. My heart rate begins to slow and the tears fall.

"There was a guy and his name was Eddie. He was trying to help me. They also said something about a lost shipment and something about the Mafia."
"Oh, that sounds dangerous. Do you remember anything else?"

"Maybe how my arm was broken."

"How was that?"

"They did it, trying to get the man to talk."
"I don't know if that is anything to go on, but at least you have remembered more clues."
"There was also a guy named Eddie. I think he helped me get away."
"That's great. You're remembering names now."

""I don't think I ever heard a last name though."
"It's okay. It's another step. I will call Mike and let him know what you told me. I don't know if it will help, but I'm sure anything could help."

"Thank you Nathan."
"No problem, I'm gonna make breakfast. Come down when you're ready."
""OOOh, chocolate chip pancakes?"

"IF that's what you want then that's what I'll make." He says with a smile and I quickly jump up and wrap my arms around his neck and softly kiss his lips. He grins as I pull back.

"If that is all it takes to get a kiss from you, then I will make them more often."

I giggle as I get up and head to the bathroom to take a shower and I hear a growl from behind me as he walks out and down to the kitchen to fix breakfast. I quickly get ready and head down the stairs and am hit with the most delicious smell. It is vanilla and warm chocolate that fills my nostrils and then I get hit with the smell of bacon and my mouth begins to water. I can't believe how good it smells and as I walk in the kitchen my stomach growls loudly.

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