Chapter Seventeen

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Blinking my eyes open, I try to sit up. My head is pounding as I try to stand up. It's pitch black, and I can't see anything around me. I don;t understand why I am not in the car. Where am I, and where is Lilly? I throw my hands out in front of me, trying to find anything.

"Hello, can anybody hear me? Where am I?"
I slowly start to move. There is nothing in front of me, and I begin to hear voices off in the distance. I try to walk towards them, but I feel like they keep getting farther away.

"Please come back! Someone help me!"
Pushing myself forward, I struggle to get to the voices. They are becoming clearer, and I hear my mom's voice. I can hear the sadness in it.

"Do you know when he will wake?"

"It's all up to him. All his scans have come back clear. There is nothing keeping him under now."

"His injuries are healing?"
"Yes, they are healing well."
"I just hope he wakes up soon."

It hurts me to hear my mom cry. I never want to hear that again. I have got to get to her somehow.

"Mom, I am here! Please don't cry. Tell me how to get to you!"
My steps seem to come quicker, and I feel like I am getting closer. I reach for the door and open it. All of a sudden, I feel a sharp pain rip through my thigh and up the left side of my body. I fall to my knees as I scream. Bright light shines through the doorway, and I shield my eyes with my hands. All of a sudden, I am lying in a bed, and I am blinking against the bright light of the room. My head is pounding and my left side is screaming. I can't help but groan in pain.

"Nathan, sweetheart, look at me. I'll call the doctor."
She quickly gets up and hurries out of the room as I try to shake the cobwebs out of my head. Eventually she comes back with the doctor, and there are tears shining in her eyes.

"Good to see you awake, Nathan. How are you feeling?" Doctor Johnson asks.

"Like I have been hit by a Mack truck."
"Well, you were hit by an SUV. It broke your thigh in several places, broke several ribs and you have a concussion. You have been out for a week."
"Where is Lilly? How is she? Is the baby ok?"
"There was no one in the vehicle with you when the ambulance arrived."
"What do you mean? Was she thrown out? Please tell me she is okay?"

"Son, she was nowhere to be found."
"No, she was with me. We were headed back home. She has got to be here. You're lying!" I start to get agitated. The fear that she is dead hits me like a Mack truck and she died alone somewhere destroys me. "Son, you have got to calm down."

"I can't. She has got to be out there. Maybe they took her to another hospital. We have got to find her!"
"We will, son."
The doctor begins to take my vitals and simple test. My thoughts are on her and only her. He finishes up and begins to leave the room.

"I will send the nurse in with some pain medication. You need to rest."
He steps out, and the nurse eventually comes in with a syringe and injects my iv line. It takes effect quickly, and my eyes slowly shut as I try to fight it. I don't know how long I am out, but when I wake up my friend, Officer Mike is here and talking to my mom.

"MMmm, how long have I been out?"
"A couple of hours."
"Hey bud, nice to see you awake, finally. How are you feeling?"
"A little better than when I was awake earlier. So is this business or social?"

"A bit of both, actually. I am glad to see you finally awake. I also need to ask about the accident. What happened?"

"We were headed home from the baby shower and stopped at a red light. Our light had turned green, and I started through the intersection. Lilly had been talking to me about the shower and everything we wanted to do, and then she screamed. I turned to look, and all I saw was a large black vehicle crashing into us. The car started to spin and flip over. I looked up and she was hanging from her seat belt, unconscious. Then her door flew open, and a masked man cut her from her seat belt and drugged her out. That's when I passed out, and woke up here."

LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora