Chapter Four

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I woke up with the sun already in the sky and blaring through the curtains. I sit up and stretch, trying to work the sleepiness out of my eyes. Grabbing my robe, I head into the kitchen, I see a note attached to the refrigerator.

Note- Good Morning sweetheart, sorry I had to leave early this morning. There is coffee, should still be warm and I set your breakfast in the microwave. You just have to warm it up for a minute or two. Have a great day, see you this evening.

That was so sweet of him to think of me. I can't help but smile. I can smell the coffee and I walk over to the pot and he has a mug sitting there waiting for me. I pour myself some coffee and walk over to the microwave and look inside to see eggs, bacon and potatoes. What time did he get up to make this? I take my plate and sit down. This man is too good to me. I had been sitting eating for a bit and my phone started to ring. I look down and smile. I open it and his face comes across the screen.

"Good morning, Lilly. How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm feeling great, thank you, and thanks for breakfast too."
"You're welcome. I forgot to ask you yesterday. I know I told mom we would be over Sunday, but I never asked if you would like to go. I just answered for you."

"It's fine. I would like to go. I love your mom."
"The guys will be there too. It's a usual Sunday at mom's. She's got a pool and we usually grill out. I know you can't get in but eventually you will. She usually has the crew from her flower shop too. It's closed on Sundays."

"It sounds like fun, but I don't have a suit."
"We can get you one if you want?"

"That's okay. I can't get in, so I don't need it right now."
"Alright, I was just checking in on you and asking about Sunday. How about pizza tonight?"
"That sounds great."
"Okay, pizza it is then. I will see you tonight. Stay out of trouble."
"Haha, I'll try. See you tonight."
My day is quiet and boring. I decide to explore the house and find that he has a book collection in another spare room. I look through the vast array of genres and decide I am going to have fun in this room. It's strange, but it feels normal to want to read, like I have always had a love for reading. Am I getting a small blip of my life that I lost? I take the book and head back to the living room and sit down as I open the book. I don't know how long I have been engrossed in the book when I hear the front door open and his voice carry through the house.

"Lilly, I'm home! I got pizza!"

I smile as I set my book down and head into the kitchen where I find him wrestling with Rufus. My stomach begins to flutter and a smile crosses my lips as I watch the two together.

"Hey there, how was your day?"
He stands up and smiles at me as the butterflies start doing flips and he takes my breath away.

"It was busy, but we got a lot of work done. A lot of grading. I don't want to bore you with construction stuff. How was your day?"
"It was quiet. I found your book collection. I hope you don't mind I was reading them."

"No, I don't mind. You like to read?"
"I think so. It felt so natural for me. I feel like it was something I have always liked to do."
"That's good, maybe a memory coming back. That's great!"
"Yeah, I think so."
The rest of our night is spent as usual, playing scrabble. I am beginning to enjoy our evenings together. The rest of the week is pretty uneventful. He goes to work, and I sit and read. Maybe trying to do some cleaning. It takes longer than needed with only one hand but I get it done., and I even cooked a little. It's now Sunday and we are getting ready to head over to his mother's for their usual Sunday get together. Once we arrive there are already several people there and we head inside.

"There's my boy! Hello, Lilly, how are you feeling?" She exclaims as she hugs Nathan and then hugs me.
"I'm feeling great actually. Thank you, Mrs Thomas."

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