Chapter One

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Nathan's POV

"Hey Mom, I'm gonna head home. The kitchen sink is fixed and I took the trash out for you."
"Are you sure you want to leave now? It's raining cats and dogs out there. It's not safe."

"Mom, I'll be fine. I will call you when I get home. Besides, Rufus is home all by himself."
"Aw, my little grand dog. When are you going to bring him to see me again? I miss him."
"I'll try and bring him next time I come over. You spoil him too much."

"I don't have any real grandchildren to spoil so I have to spoil something."

"Oh mom, I will text you when I get home."
"Alright, be careful."

"I will. I love you."
"I love you too."
I give her a hug and kiss on the forehead before heading out to my truck and climb in while trying to shake off the rain, slowly pulling out of the driveway and heading back home. The rain is coming down sideways and I can barely see in front of me. Carefully driving down the dark road as my windshield wipers fly at top speed, I wonder why I ventured out in this but I know I need to get back home to my best furry friend. I knew he was freaking out because he did not like thunderstorms. I had been fighting the rain for about fifteen minutes when all of a sudden I saw a figure staggering down the middle of the road. I had to swerve to miss them and slam on my brakes. The truck swerves dramatically before it finally comes to a stop. I look in my rear view mirror and I see the most beautiful blond woman I have ever seen standing with her arm wrapped tightly around her as her other arm is held awkwardly. She looks up and I see a gash on her forehead and her shirt is covered in blood. I quickly get out of the truck and run back to her. As I got close I looked her over and touched her arm as she screamed. I brush her hair back and I can see the gash on her forehead and she winces as she looks back on the ground.

"Sweetheart, where have you come from?" I ask.

"I don't know." she stammers.

"What's your name?"

"I don't know!" She begins to sob.

"Sweetheart, it will be okay. Let's get you to the hospital and check out your injuries."

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and hold her injured arm to her body as I lead her back to my truck. I open the passenger side and help her climb into the truck as I softly shut the door. I quickly run over to my side and hop in as I head off to the hospital. Once we get there I quickly get out and we head into the building.

"I need help. This woman was wandering out on Route Twelve. She doesn't know how she got there or her name. I think she has a broken arm and she has a head injury. I don't know what happened. There were no cars around."
"Have a seat in the waiting room and I will take her back to get looked at. I will let you know when we know something." The nurse says as she takes the woman back with her. The woman looks over her shoulder with a scared look and it tugs at my heart.

"Thank you"
I go to sit down and wait as patiently as I can. It was about an hour or so and my phone rang. I look at the caller ID and I see my mom's face on the screen. Crap, I forgot to text her. Well, technically I am not home yet.

"Hi mom"

"Son, are you ok? I am worried silly. You never texted me."
"I know mom, I'm actually not home yet."
"What? Where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital."
"Oh my god, what happened? Are you okay? I'm coming right over."
"No mom, I'm fine. I found a woman wandering the road and she needed help. She has injuries and doesn't know who she is."

"Oh the poor girl. Please let me know how things go."
"I will mom. Love you."
"Love you too son, bye.

I hang up and wait for the doctor. After another hour, the doctor comes out and he heads over to me hesitantly.

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