Chapter Five

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Lilly's POV

It has been several weeks since Nathan found me wandering along the road. He has been absolutely wonderful, taking care of me. Little things seem to be coming back to me. It's just small things, mainly things that I like or don't like. I just wish that my knowledge of who I am would come back. I am still having nightmares about that man and I being beaten and sometimes I see them kill him. That's when I usually wake up screaming and Nathan has rushed to my room trying to comfort me. Next week I get my cast off. I am absolutely thrilled about that one. I am so ready to get out of the itchy thing and get back to a more normal life, or as normal as my life can get right now. I have gotten used to having this thing on and can maneuver better around the house. Being in the kitchen has become natural for me and I have come to realize I love to bake. I have been in the kitchen for a couple of hours when I hear the front door open.

"Hey Lilly, it smells good in here." Nathan calls out as he walks into the kitchen.

"Thanks Nate, I've been making cookies. I kinda remember loving to bake. I feel at home doing this. I just wish I knew where home was. Is there someone out there looking for me or even wondering if I am alive?"

For some reason the tears begin to fall and Nathan quickly comes across the kitchen and wraps me in his arms. His earthy smell fills my nostrils and it calms me as I sniffle.

"Hey, you will remember who you are. It will just take time. I'm sure that there is someone looking for you. Someone who is worried sick."
"I really hope so. Sometimes I just feel so lonely."

"Hey, we have got you. Me, my mom, the guys, we are all here for you."

"I know, but I just hate not knowing who I am."
"You will, just don't rush it."
I take a step back and wipe my eyes. Trying to lighten the situation. I grab a plate of cookies and offer them to him. He takes one and takes a bite. A smile crosses my lips as his eyes close and I swear I hear a little moan which sends a shiver down my spine.

"These are amazing Lilly."

"Thank you."
"I was thinking, you have been here for over a month and I haven't even shown you the town. How about tonight we go out for dinner?"
"I think it's about time you get out and explore."
"I can't wait."
"Let me go take a shower and we'll head out."
"Sounds great, I'll go freshen up."
We both head upstairs after I put away the cookies. It's getting easier every day to maneuver around in my cast. I still will be happy to get it off though. I look through my closet to find something to wear and decide on a yellow sundress, and some strappy sandals. I put on some light makeup and head downstairs to meet Nathan. He is sitting down in the living room looking at his phone when I walk in. His cologne fills my nose and I can't help but breathe in his heavenly scent. He looks up from his phone. His eyes slowly travel up my body and the heat spreads across my chest. As his eyes meet mine he smiles and a blush forms across my cheeks.

"You look amazing, Lilly. Are you ready to go?"
"Thank you Nathan, I am ready. So where are we going?"
"There is a little Italian place that I love. The town is quite nice in the evening."
"Can't wait."


Nathan's POV

Once I had told Lilly that I wanted to take her out tonight, I headed up to my room to shower and get ready. She had deserved a night out. She's been cooped up in this house for over a month except for the time we went to my mom's and look where that got her. Of course Jennifer would show up, even though she was not invited and no one wanted her there. She always causes drama wherever she goes. I hadn't heard from her or even seen her for a long time and all of a sudden she just shows up. I don't understand why she was even there. She didn't even like my mom. Once I was finished in the shower I head into my closet and pull out one of my button up shirts, and a nice pair of jeans. After I was ready I headed downstairs and sat in the living room waiting for her to come down. I had been sitting checking my emails when I smelled the most amazing scent, a mix of Lavender and vanilla. It filled my senses and my heart began to beat faster. I looked up and there she stood. She looks absolutely beautiful in a yellow sundress that makes her skin glow. Her hair is shiny like silk and I just want to tangle my hands in it, and kiss those soft pink lips. I need to snap out of it. She has too much on her plate. She probably has a man in her life somewhere. I can't complicate it any more for her. We need to focus on her getting her life back and finding where she belongs. We walk out to my truck and I help her inside, and we drive downtown. It's not too long and I park outside the restaurant and go inside.

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