Chapter one

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I sit in front of the K.I.A rock. Tears flow quietly down my face as I read my parents names. Yuto Nana my father, Yuka Nana my mother... I am so focused on the names I don't realize a man standing behind me.

"So you have family on here too?" The man says and I jump up. I look at him and see that he has white hair or so the midnight moon makes it seem, he has a dark blue mask covering his face only leave one eye so he can see. I nod softly.

"My parents.." I say.

"My parents also died when I was pretty young." The man says. I look at him.

"Gomen." I say softly. He smiles.

"Do you have a home to sleep in?" He asks looking into my eyes.

"No..." I say sadly.

"How about I become your father?" He asks softly looking at me.

"I dont know anything about you though." I say.

"My name is Kakashi Hatake (A/N I thinks thats how you spell it) my hobbies: I dont feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future: I dont feel like telling you that either." He says and I smile.

"My name is Ayami Nana, My hobbies: I dont have any, My dream: To become the strongest ninja in the leaf village!" I say smiling brightly. He looks at me.

"So can I be your father?" He asks and I nod. He smiles and starts leading the way to his house.

"I'll take you shopping tomorrow so you can pick out everything for your room" He says and I smile. He shows me the room I'll be sleeping in, its plain because its a guest room, It has a dresser, night stand, a HUGE bed, and a window seat with a little patio (I described the best room ever XD ).

"Better get some sleep you have school in the morning." He says and he shuts the door quietly and walks to his own room to sleep.

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