Phoenix Feathers (Luke Castellan x Iris!reader) pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"Well, I guess that settles it." He muttered under his breath. "Congratulations on getting claimed." He pathetically started to drag his sword on the ground, trudging away from the tree. Gina was simply baffled, at how a child of Hephaestus could hold such bloodlust in his eyes. However, she has much more pressing matters to get to.

Once he was out of view, she turned around to look back at the beautiful tree that led to her being noticed. A daughter of Iris!

After the game Gina was ecstatic. She had picked the northern blue flags for Luke and just couldn't wait to find him. She had been claimed! It was all for something! Now she could really prove herself to someone. She was so elated she could hardly think.

Her father had been a meteorologist when he met who she now knew to be her mother, the goddess Iris. She adored him, and while he obviously loved the goddess, he also loved his work. Often work would be the priority in any situation.

The same treatment went for his daughter. After she was old enough to go to camp, he had tried to take her, however Iris stopped him right in his tracks. Evangeline remembers, there was an invisible barrier. 

Now of course this 'barrier' could've been broken with a few hits from the car, but it deterred her father. Later that night she could hear him mumbling about something Iris had said to him privately,

"refuses to let me take her.... unless she's in 'serious' danger. Safe to say he didn't try again until many years later.

As she was busy pondering about her past and future, she subconsciously walked into the Hermes cabin.

She entered to see her stuff being packed up by some of the friends she had made in Cabin 11.

"Woah woah what are you guys doing?" 15 year old Janis was the first to respond,

"We're helping you move out dummy. Now get over here and help out." Evangeline beamed. She couldn't believe she had been lucky enough to make some actual friends here. Blthye had been very into lifting weights and building arm strength recently, so it was a unanimous decision to let him carry all the stuff down to Cabin 14.

On the way down Sabrina saw her from the window and ran down to join.

"Is this a march or something? Ooo, or are we doing a climate or an anti-war walk?"

"We're helping move Gina to her new cabin." Blythe grunted as he carried the piles of Gina's stuff. Sabrina's mouth dropped completely,

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU GOT CLAIMED." About half of camp turned their heads to see what Sabrina was yelling about, but Evangeline didn't mind.

"Yea. Took Iris long enough." Janis quipped.

"Aww you got claimed by the goddess of rainbows? That's so perfect! Remember the first outfit I designed for you! Oh my gosh it was meant to be. Ahhhh a daughter of Iris and a daughter of Aphrodite, how perfect is that?" Gina assumed that question was rhetorical because Sabrina very quickly filled the silence with more talking, right up until they got to the cabin.

Janis helped open the door for Blythe, and a loud sigh of relief could be heard as he laid all her belongs on one of the beds.

"Sorry. I'm not known for packing light." Gina chuckled.

"It's okay! I need the practice." Blythe dared a glance at Sabrina, "My dream is that one day I'll be able to carry damsels and save them from distress." He gave the dorkiest smile and Evangeline held back every muscle in her body not to cringe. Sabrina chuckled, clearly finding his hopelessness at flirting endearing,

"Well you'll have to update me on how you're doing on those dreams." Blythe looked like he was holding back... a very unmanly giggle. Weren't children of Hermes supposed to be charismatic?

Evangeline just shook her head as she watched the two,

"Well I'm going to get settled in. I'm sure the head counselor is looking for me. Thanks so much again for helping me move in!"

"Oh, anytime. You know I love to help!" Sabrina smiled. Even though Sabrina had probably helped the least, her presence had most definitely brought a smile to Gina's face.

Once they were all gone and out the door she was able to find the head counselor. She was dressed in all black and had makeup that made her eyes sparkle like black diamonds.

"Hey, my name's Blanche. It's nice to meet you." She gave an affiliative smile before continuing,

"Mom wants to talk to you." Gina's head felt like it was spinning. Her mom wanted to speak to her? What was going to happen? What would she say?

"Okay cool." Gina looked around, "Where do I go?"

"There's a little room back there." Blanche gesticulated where there was.

"And it's set up for Iris messaging, so just throw a drachma and she'll show."

"I uh- I don't have a drachma on me right now." She didn't have any drachmas at all, but she wasn't going to say that. Blanche flipped one out of her pocket for Gina to catch,

"Have fun."

For some reason Gina had a feeling she was being sarcastic. As she walked to the room, all she could think about was how excited she was to tell Luke she had been claimed, and talked to her mom, all in the same day! 

It did seem quite fast to her though. Kids wouldn't normally talk to their parents so soon after being claimed, right? Gina could only imagine what that meant for her.

As she entered the room, she saw there was a cute little sofa with rainbow cushions. There was also a crochet rainbow blanket laying on the arm of the sofa; she could get used to this color palette. 

She planted herself on the couch, before throwing her drachma into the rainbow that had already been made from the leak of sunlight and reflection of mirrors. Soon she saw a figure start to appear, which made her heart stop, and soon it was followed by a voice,

"My child. I am so glad we could meet, and I wish I could've claimed you under better circumstances..." Iris paused, "However, there are some things we must discuss."

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