Part 9

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 "Taeyong I just learned something interesting." Says Jeno entering the place

Taeyong looks up at the newcomer, detaching himself from the plan he was examining with Xiaojun and Jisung.

"I hope it's very interesting because we're working on Jisung's first attack," says Taeyong.

"Really?!" says Jeno, surprised.

"Yeah, Taeyong finally gave me permission !!"

Jisung has a big smile on his face. An attack is not something easy. It is even very dangerous, because it involves taking back a part held by the enemy clan. How to do it ? Knock out the gang that goes there and tell them to pass on the message that they are taking back the area.

Then, either the gang is attacked, loses and they don't get the area back, or they win and the area becomes theirs. NCT rarely loses.

"So what did you want?" asks Taeyong.

"Several members of the Seventeen gang were injured," says Jeno. "So they canceled their participation in the sale in 4 days and since they are the biggest buyers, the sale has been postponed and will take place in 5 months."

"So we have 5 months to prepare Haechan to steal documents for us and teach him as much as possible."

Jeno nods. Mark has already taught Haechan how to use a small gun. He's not very good at it yet, but he can defend himself with it. The caliber is rather small, which is good for being discreet because it can be easily hidden under clothing, but if the person has a bulletproof vest, it won't do anything to them.

"Has Renjun finished his heat yet ?" asks Jisung.

"It's been 3 days already, it had to stop at some point," says Jeno. "By the way, Xiaojun, you'll have to go back with Ten to make more painkillers, we're almost out."

Xiaojun sighs. Making painkillers is very long because they do it themselves, putting a higher dose than those sold in stores. This allows them to save money on medication, since there is always someone injured in NCT.

"We'll go tomorrow," Xiaojun replies. "We need to get the plants."

Jeno leaves the room, leaving the others to work on Jisung's attack. It is already 9pm and he is starting to feel tired after this long day. He heads to the common room. Because there is always someone in the common room, it is a rule at NCT. Well, not really, it's just that there is always 1 person watching TV and 2 people talking.

And as if to support his point, Mark is watching TV, and Haechan is talking to Renjun.

"3 days is long time!" says Haechan.

"But no, it went by quickly. You were able to get a little closer to the others at least ? Besides Mark that I heard annoyed you," replies Renjun.

"I can hear you, I'm right next to you," replies Mark.

Jeno comes to sit on the couch with Mark, who is once again watching his program. Jeno sighs, wanting to change the channel. He turns his head towards Renjun, who is more interesting than the television.

Renjun notices and blushes slightly, continuing his conversation with Haechan about which member he likes. Haechan notices Jeno's gaze and turns his head towards Renjun.

"Can you stop staring to Renjun?" says Haechan.

"But he's beautiful," replies Jeno.

"So what?"

Jeno laughs and sits down at the table next to Renjun, under the eyes of Mark and Haechan. He puts his arm around Renjun and pulls him slightly towards him.

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