Part 4

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Only 2 short days have passed since the young rabbit's arrival in their prison. But he speaks very little and only answers yes or no to the questions asked to him. The only times he talks more than usual is when Renjun comes to visit him.

He automatically feels good, and feels a certain emotion he doesn't like when Renjun has to leave. Of course, the others who regularly keep an eye on Renjun quickly noticed that he was secretly going to see the rabbit.

Sometimes Sungchan is even present when they talk to each other. They also noticed that he brought him something to drink and sometimes to eat. He even gave him new clothes. But these actions do not please everyone, who find that Renjun is starting to befriend the rabbit.

Jaemin even remarked that the rabbit is trying to seduce Renjun in order to use him and escape. What Jaehyun agreed to thinking about how he is always impatient to see him. Mark even got angry with Renjun and told him not to go see him anymore because he was only there for a limited time.

"Did you never want to have a name?" Renjun asks.

"No, not really," replies number 3.

"What if I gave you a name?!" he exclaims suddenly.

"Oh ,like it" he replies.

Renjun remains silent for a moment, lost in thought. Despite what others say, he can't help but come back to see the rabbit. He has become very attached to him, perhaps also because everyone sees him as he is: a beautiful creature. But he is aware that the rabbit's situation is much worse.

He is lucky, he has found a family within NCT. And deep down, he would like the person in front of him to know the same happiness. That feeling of being supported and truly loved for who you are.

"Chan," Renjun begins, "no, maybe Chanie? No, Haechan?" 

"I like last word," replies the rabbit. 


"I like."

Renjun feels a smile creep onto his face and he reaches out to take the hand of the now-named Haechan. The rabbit gently squeezes it back, but doesn't return the beautiful smile he could have.

From the outside, one might think that Renjun is starting to fall for Haechan, but in reality he is just happy to help him, to have someone he can take care of. He just feels the beginnings of a friendship.

"You!" They can hear Mark's voice echoing, "let go of my friend and Renjun I've told you over and over again for 2 days stop coming to see him!" 

"But Mark" 

"There's no but anyway you're leaving now with Johnny and Yangyang, you're going to manage the bar today"

Mark finishes going down the stairs and stares at Renjun all the way until he reaches the top of the stairs and finally leaves head down.

Then Mark walks over to the cell before bending down to the rabbit who is still sitting on the floor.

"You see, I'm tired of you talking to Renjun because then he's going to get attached to you and that's not in our plans so either shut up and don't talk to him anymore or I'll cut your tongue out."

The rabbit lowers its head and for a moment Mark can detect a hint of sadness in its eyes. Strangely, it makes his heart clench and he feels guilty. After all, the boy never asked to live like this and to find himself in this kind of situation.

Deep down, he's just an hybrid rabbit, Mark tells himself, can he really have a bad heart? Why can't they keep him?

But his thoughts come and go as quickly as they come, leaving Mark to himself.

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