Part 3

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The next day arrived quickly, well, for some it did. Kun was exhausted after spending the night at the top of the stairs leading to the cellar, making sure their prisoner didn't escape. Sicheng, on the other hand, had spent a good part of the night disinfecting Shotaro's wound and sewing it back up.

Shotaro kept writhing in pain, but fortunately Yuta was not far away. Now he was finally asleep and recovering from this eventful night. But Sicheng was worried that the young rabbit had poisoned him by the blade, but for the moment he had not detected any poison.

Taeyong is now awake and sends Kun back to bed, before going to check on the group of 3.

When he returns, he sees that only Sicheng is awake. He gestures to him that everything is fine. Taeyong approaches to see the state of Shotaro's neck, but he can't see anything because of the bandage that hides the braid.

The main thing is that he sees that his member is fine. He goes straight back out and joins Mark and Jaehyun in his office. He had summoned the 2 who usually handle the torture sessions. Once the door to his office is open, both of them stand up and greet their boss. They remain standing until Taeyong gestures for them to sit down.

"Okay, I've started to think. For now, we'll leave the guy from the other gang aside and focus on the rabbit," Taeyong says. "We'll just interrogate him. I have an idea of what we can do with him."

"No torture for him?" Jaehyun asks, surprised. "He almost killed Shotaro ! He won't tell us anything !"

"I said no torture," Taeyong says curtly. "Listen to me before you interrupt me."

Jaehyun looks at the ground, not daring to look at Taeyong, who becomes intimidating when someone does something he doesn't like. Mark holds back a laugh at Jaehyun's guilty expression.

"As you know, in two weeks we will be attending the biggest annual sale, and I have been trying for a month now to get VIP tickets that would allow us to contact the manager of all these human sales," Taeyong says. "Except that the only way to be VIP is to offer him a gift, and he has to like it."

The two of them understand immediately. Taeyong wants to offer the rabbit to the men behind all of this. It is the best gift he could receive. This idea will take them directly to the VIP area, as close as possible to the person they want to take down.

They don't want to kill him at this party, but only learn more about him so they can attack better later.

"That's an excellent idea," Mark replies. "I'm in no torture for the crazy rabbit"

"Jaehyun?" Taeyong asks.

"I agree, it's perfect. So we have to keep him in perfect condition," Jaehyun asks.

"Not necessarily. The priority is to make him talk. I want to know who sent him, but for now we'll question him and not feed him. If he hasn't talked in three days, you'll be free to do what you want, but don't touch his face or ears. They're precious."

Jaehyun and Mark salute Taeyong one last time before leaving. They head to the kitchen and inform some of Taeyong's plan, so no one should damage the rabbit's head.

But hey, some are curious. Renjun discreetly takes his gourd and escapes towards the cellar. Kun having left a few minutes earlier, he has free access. He slowly descends to the bottom of the cellar, making as little noise as possible in case Sungchan is already down there monitoring the condition of the prisoners.

Luckily, no one is there. He smiles and heads to the cell where their new boarder is locked up. Renjun has the right to come here, but the others still try to avoid taking him there.

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