Chapter 21《Family reunion》

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The two Countryhumans were still panting from the strenuous work.

The sun also made everything around them so hot that both of them couldn't stop sweating.

"I really didn't think being on the mainland could be that bad.", Soviet admitted.

Third Reich says: "I admit that it's anything but pleasant here. I want to go back to my cool basement."

"Me too.", says his friend.

Exhausted, they lay there for a while, both exhausted and aimless. Both lay in place and could not move.

Not long after, they heard the sounds of helicopters, cars, motorcycles and maybe planes and tanks. They couldn't quite hear everything because there were a lot of noises coming towards them.

Now they picked themselves up, even if it was difficult for them, because of their exhaustion.

Frightened, they got closer and Reich clutched at him, trying to hide terrified in Soviet's wings.

Soviet Union looked at the frightened Countryhuman and put an arm around him. Frightened, Third Reich looked at his friend.

"Reich, we'll lie down on the boat. Then just imagine that the bottom of the boat is the door to your basement.", Soviet Union says to him. "Are you sure?", he asks. "More than sure!", Soviet confirmed to him with conviction, which cheered Reich up.

USSR climbed into the boat and Third German Reich lay down on the ground next to him as the machines drew closer.

Soviet took Reich's hands and wrapped one of his wings around him. "Imagine the wooden door.", Soviet says to him in an encouraging tone. Reich imagined the door and Soviet Union said: "Close your eyes and imagine the door and what is behind it below us."

He did exactly what Soviet said and Soviet together with Reich's hand searched for the door handle, it took a minute but they found it.

USSR pulled him towards them and opened the door with him. Soviet Union stood up with Reich and looked down into the basement, which seemed very deep.

The two fell in as they were too scared of the vehicles. They only fell briefly as they landed on the wooden floor of the hallway after falling down the stairs.

Both need a moment before they pull themselves together. Confused and amazed, they looked at the door. How did that happen?

Soviet got up first and went to the door through which they had fallen. He listened, everything was quiet.

He then opened the door and Reich wanted to stop him, but he saw for himself that they were no longer at the beach but at Reich's house, which confused both of them.

Shocked, both stood there and looked at the open door. The two Countryhumans had faint question marks hanging over their heads.

Soviet took a step out the door and looked around to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

The tall Countryhuman looked around quizzically and backed away, closing the door. He ran back to his friend, who was still standing there, still unable to process that he had just landed them from the beach to the house they escaped from the previous evening.

Soviet Union put his left arm around Third Reich. Reich felt his arm until he found Soviet's hand and took it, pulling him closer to Soviet.

Third German Reich rested its head on the side of USSR's chest.

Both were unsure what to do until Reich asked: "Are we trying to get to my family?"

"It's worth a try!", Soviet said as he smiled at him.

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